
Echo In The Skull


Жанр Фантастика

Год 2015

Обьем книги: Полная версия


She thought her name was Sally Ercott. But if there were any other Ercotts related to her, she couldn't remember them. Nor could she remember where she had lived before, or where she had gone to school. She couldn't remember ...

But then the image came. She was in the mountain cave of a horrible unearthly monster. She was pleading with the creature, begging it to take her life instead of Iwys'. The creature was waving its tentacles, coming closer. She could feel her flesh crawl at its touch...

Screaming with pain, the girl called Sally Ercott snapped back to reality. But the room in which she found herself was not as real as the cave in which she had just died. This memory, this frightening, painful experience, was not a dream—it was a warning! She had to find someone who would believe her story — and find him quick — or all the people in the world would become victims of THE ECHO IN THE SKULL!

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