
Brunner John скачать все книги 21 книг


She thought her name was Sally Ercott. But if there were any other Ercotts related to her, she couldn't remember them. Nor could she remember where she had lived before, or where she had gone to school. She couldn't remember ...

But then the image came. She was in the mountain cave of a horrible unearthly monster. She was pleading with the creature, begging it to take her life instead of Iwys'. The creature was waving its tentacles, coming closer. She could feel her flesh crawl at its touch...

Screaming with pain, the girl called Sally Ercott snapped back to reality. But the room in which she found herself was not as real as the cave in which she had just died. This memory, this frightening, painful experience, was not a dream—it was a warning! She had to find someone who would believe her story — and find him quick — or all the people in the world would become victims of THE ECHO IN THE SKULL!

*Tommy Caxlon & His Solid Six entertain a ritzy party. The money's good, the food's fantastic, the girls are willing. But SOMETHING just doesn't jive. Something's wrong. Something. SOMETHING!*


A cold war among the stars was growing hotter by the minute. As Pag and Cathrodyne struggled for domination, a hot war threatened which would rend and annihilate whole planetary systems. The two master races would have consumed one another long ago, but for one single factor:

Waystation. It was a stupendous synthetic world, famed throughout this galaxy. For Waystation was controlled by a neutral people, and until the greater powers could seize this strategic wonder planet and ferret out its secrets, they were doomed to fretful inactivity.

But as a Cathrodyne vessel drew near to Waystation, the all-important balance of power stood in sudden peril. The ship in itself was routine. But on board was a stranger, a man of undiscovered race, who spoke too little, and, it appeared, knew too much. . . .

It is a sociological story of urban class warfare and political intrigue, taking place in the fictional South American capital city of Vados. It explores the idea of subliminal messages as political tools, and it is notable for having the structure of the famous 1892 chess game between Wilhelm Steinitz and Mikhail Chigorin. The structure is not coincidental, and plays an important part in the story.

Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1966.

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