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Жанр: Проза

Short fiction about a witch in a swamp on a hill...

Жанр: Проза

Nebula Award Best Short Story Winner

WSFA Small Press Award for Short Fiction

Cóyotl Awards Best Short Story Winner

World Fantasy Award Best Short Story Nominee

They were shy creatures, the jackalope wives, though there was nothing shy about the way they danced. You could go your whole life and see no more of them than the flash of a tail vanishing around the backside of a boulder. If you were lucky, you might catch a whole line of them outlined against the sky, on the top of a bluff, the shadow of horns rising off their brows.

The Nebula Awards Showcase

Praise for :

Praise for :


“There is not a story in the bunch that is not engaging to the reader…. This is an excellent book for lovers of science fiction.”


“Featuring writing of the highest quality in the genre, this compilation is certain to appeal to those demanding imaginative fiction.”

“Essential fare for short story aficionados, even though some of the contents have appeared in other collections.”

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