
Джентри Курт скачать все книги 3 книг

In this new edition of his classic 1970 memoir about the notorious U-2 incident, pilot Francis Gary Powers reveals the full story of what actually happened in the most sensational espionage case in Cold War history. After surviving the shoot-down of his reconnaissance plane and his capture on May 1, 1960, Powers endured sixty-one days of rigorous interrogation by the KGB, a public trial, a conviction for espionage, and the start of a ten-year sentence. After nearly two years, the U.S. government obtained his release from prison in a dramatic exchange for convicted Soviet spy Rudolph Abel. The narrative is a tremendously exciting suspense story about a man who was labeled a traitor by many of his countrymen but who emerged a Cold War hero.

Подлинная история одного из самых громких судебных дел XX в. — группового убийства “Семьей" Мэнсона актрисы Шарон Тейт и ее друзей. Леденящие кровь подробности, религия и мистика, психологический портрет “калифорнийского потрошителя" и документальный отчет о судебном процессе по делу Чарли Мэнсона. Разыгравшаяся в Голливуде конца 1960-х годов трагедия, о которой идет речь в этой книге, не имеет срока давности; имена её участников всё ещё на слуху, а главные действующие лица за минувшие годы приобрели статус культовых личностей. Книга построена на подлинных материалах по делу Чарльза Мэнсона. Пунктуация издания подчеркивает документальный характер текста.

Prosecuting attorney in the Manson trial, Vincent Bugliosi held a unique insider’s position in one of the most baffling and horrifying cases of the twentieth century: the cold-blooded Tate-LaBianca murders carried out by Charles Manson and four of his followers. What motivated Manson in his seemingly mindless selection of victims, and what was his hold over the young women who obeyed his orders? Here is the gripping story of this famous and haunting crime.

Both and Vincent Bugliosi’s subsequent won Edgar Allan Poe Awards for best true-crime book of the year.

The story behind the Manson killings explains how Charles Manson was able to make his “family” murder for him, chronicles the investigation and court trial that brought him to justice, and provides a new afterword that looks at where the killers are today. Reprint.

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