
Пауэрс Френсис скачать все книги 2 книг

In this new edition of his classic 1970 memoir about the notorious U-2 incident, pilot Francis Gary Powers reveals the full story of what actually happened in the most sensational espionage case in Cold War history. After surviving the shoot-down of his reconnaissance plane and his capture on May 1, 1960, Powers endured sixty-one days of rigorous interrogation by the KGB, a public trial, a conviction for espionage, and the start of a ten-year sentence. After nearly two years, the U.S. government obtained his release from prison in a dramatic exchange for convicted Soviet spy Rudolph Abel. The narrative is a tremendously exciting suspense story about a man who was labeled a traitor by many of his countrymen but who emerged a Cold War hero.

Русская контрразведка на заре тотального шпионажа, «потешные» игры Петра I, секретные планы японской военщины, тайна смерти рейхсфюрера Гиммлера, обмен советского разведчика Рудольфа Абеля на американского шпиона Фрэнсиса Пауэрса, секреты тайнописи — обо всем этом и многом другом в книге "Легион "белой смерти"

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