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Жанр: Проза

Кто может написать так же, как Чак Паланик?

А может, эти начинающие литераторы пишут даже лучше Паланика?

Мастер лично отметил достижения молодых талантов, предоставив им место на своем фанатском веб-сайте в качестве дискуссионной площадки, и затем, отобрав лучших из лучших, смешал в палитре этого дебюта сатиру и хоррор, лирику и шок, курьез и мечту.

Рассказы, представленные в этом сборнике, получили сотни отзывов со стороны профессионалов и обычных читателей, благодаря которым авторы смогли довести их до совершенства.

That’s what a LAPD Lieutenant tells Detectives Hunter and Garcia of the Ultra Violent Crimes Unit as they arrive at one of the most shocking crime scenes they have ever attended.

In a completely unexpected turn of events, the detectives find themselves joining forces with the FBI to track down a serial killer whose hunting ground sees no borders; a psychopath who loves what he does because to him murder is much more than just killing — it’s an art form.

Welcome to The Gallery of the Dead.

Irreverent merriment. Diabolical debauchery. Gory good times. Editor Shane McKenzie has gutted the holiday spirit and left it to bleed out on the pages of this gruesome, extreme horror tribute to special occasions. Includes stories by the following masters of the macabre: Jack Ketchum, Joe R. Lansdale, Bentley Little, Nate Southard, Lee Thomas, Wrath James White and More!

Table of Contents:

"Consensual" by Jack Ketchum

"securedate.com" by Boyd E. Harris

"Face" by Patrick Shand

"Ghunt" by Lee Thomas

"Joyeux Paques" by Emma Ennis

"The Greatest Sin" by Kevin Wallis

"The Greenhouse Garden of Suicides" by Kirk Jones

"IRecycling" by Lesley Conner

"Taco Meat" by Jon McNee

"Remember What I Said About Living Out in the Country?" by A.J. Brown

"Every Day a Holiday" by Steve Lowe

"Seeing Red" by Chris Lewis Carter

"Southern Fried Cruelty" by Matt Kurtz

"By Bizarre Hands" by Joe R. Lansdale

"Family Man" by John Bruni

"We Run Races With Goblin Troopers" by Lee Thompson

"Pascal's Wager" by Wrath James White

"A Special Surprise at Thanksgiving Dinner" by Elle Richfield

"Waiting for Santa" by Bentley Little

"Hung With Care" by Ty Schwamberger

"Sunshine Beamed" by Marie Green

"Dia de los Inocentes" by Elias Siqueiros

"Three, Two, One" by Nate Southard

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