
The Age of Mortals скачать все книги 4 книг

Dhamon Grimwulf, cursed to live as a shadow dragon, yearns for his lost humanity. His quest for its recovery takes him from the depths of the dragon overlord Sable’s swamp to the shores of ruined, flooded Qualinost. Along the way, he is reunited with Feril, a Kagonesti druid he once loved fiercely. The search becomes perilous for all involved, and the goal, if attainable, hinges on what lies at the very bottom of the massive, mysterious Lake of Death.

The War of Souls is over, and the gods of magic have returned to Krynn. The two most powerful wizards in the world, Dalamar of the Black Robes and Jenna of the Red, join forces to seek and enter the Tower of High Sorcery in Wayreth Forest. The Tower has been conquered by evil, and wizards everywhere are summoned for a high council—the first new conclave.

The future of magic will depend on controlling wild sorcery—and on the whim of a mysterious newcomer to the hallowed arts.

In the embattled kingdom of Qualinesti, Dark Knights harass the common folk, and the once-proud Elven Senate moves at the will of the green dragon Beryl. Even the elf king walks a tightrope between serving the needs of his people and keeping the dragon’s knights peaceful.

Out of these mired politics a mysterious heroine arises, a Kagonesti woman of the forest glades and rocky eastern reaches. She and her loyal band of resistance fighters swiftly become the terror of the Dark Knights. Known to friend and foe as The Lioness, she is the champion of the people who have been bled by the dragon’s taxes and ground under the steel-shod boots of the hostile knights.

She is Kerianseray, the king’s own outlaw, his secret lover, and his secret weapon.

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