
Stargate скачать все книги 20 книг

Lost and Found…

In the fragile peace following Queen Death’s defeat, Dr. Daniel Jackson arrives in Atlantis to indulge in some real archaeology. Naturally, things don’t go according to plan.

Convinced that an Ascended Elizabeth Weir saved his life, Dr. Rodney McKay argues that she must have escaped her replicator body in order to ascend. No one believes him, but when rumors reach Atlantis of a woman with no memory who calls herself ‘Elizabeth’, Rodney is determined to track her down.

Meanwhile, Daniel’s research uncovers evidence of Vanir activity in the Pegasus galaxy — evidence that casts both light and shadow over the mystery of Elizabeth…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

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End game

The battle lines are drawn. Queen Death is mustering her fleet. But who will stand against her?

As conflicts and betrayal threaten to shatter Atlantis’s fragile alliances with Guide’s Wraith and the Genii, humanity’s only hope of survival rests on the fate of an Ancient device — a weapon too terrible to use but too powerful to cast aside. A weapon capable of exterminating every Wraith in the galaxy, and with them every human carrying Wraith DNA…

With Queen Death’s fleet fast approaching, Colonel Sheppard and his team must make their final choice and the future of Atlantis will be decided — more than one of her crew will be called upon to sacrifice everything in the fight for her survival…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

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Old secrets, new truths…

It is the aftermath of battle. Scattered and struggling to regroup, Colonel Sheppard’s team face their darkest days yet in the war against the Wraith Queen, Death.

Continuing her perilous masquerade as Queen Steelflower, Teyla Emmagan’s friendship with Guide grows stronger. With his help she must journey into the Wraith’s distant past to uncover the shocking truth about their origin — and the key to Queen Death’s defeat.

Meanwhile, Rodney McKay has a different battle to fight as he struggles to regain his humanity in the face of the atrocity the Wraith have committed against him. With his life hanging in the balance, will Rodney be forced to do the unthinkable in order to survive…?

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

The Enemy Within

When disaster strikes, the Atlantis team resort to desperate measures in their bid to save Doctor Rodney McKay from the clutches of Queen Death.

With the lives of McKay and Colonel Sheppard at stake, Teyla Emagan must once again assume the role of Queen Steelflower as she attempts a dangerous subterfuge — a subterfuge made more complex by a tentative alliance with Guide, the Wraith once known as Todd. But in order to deceive Queen Death, Teyla must embrace her Wraith heritage more closely than she has ever done before. So closely that she may lose herself forever…

As the web of intrigue, deceit and betrayal grows ever more tangled, this thrilling installment of the Legacy series takes the team into the very heart of darkness.

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Enemies and friends

Reeling from the shocking discovery of Rodney McKay's fate, Colonel Sheppard and his team retreat to Atlantis to regroup. With Rodney not only in the hands of the Wraith, but apparently working for them, Atlantis faces a new danger — their own man, turned against them.

While Zelenka and Colonel Carter work frantically to crack the security protocols McKay embedded in Atlantis's computer system, Ronan revisits his past and finds much is changing on Sateda. Meanwhile, Queen Death prepares to make use of her most valuable prisoner; with Rodney still unaware of his true identity, the fate of Atlantis hangs in the balance…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Colonel John Sheppard knows it's going to be a bad day when he wakes up in a downed Jumper with a head wound and no memory of how he got there.

Things don't get any better.

Concussed, far from the Stargate, and with his only remaining team mate, Teyla, injured, Sheppard soon finds himself a prisoner of the local population. And as he gradually pieces the situation together he realises that his team is scattered across a tropical archipelago, unable to communicate with each other or return to the Stargate. And to make matters worse, there's a Wraith cruiser in the skies above…

Meanwhile, Ronon and Doctor Zelenka find themselves in an unlikely partnership as they seek a way off their island and back to the Stargate. And Doctor McKay? He just wants to get the Stargate working…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

When the hunted become hunters…

Ronon Dex is a mystery. His past is a closed book and he likes it that way. But when the Atlantis team triggers a trap that leaves them stranded on a hostile world, only Ronon’s past can save them — if it doesn’t kill them first.

As the gripping tale unfolds, we return to Ronon’s earliest days as a Runner and meet the charismatic leader who transformed him into a hunter of Wraith. But grief and rage can change the best of men and it soon becomes clear that those who Ronon once considered brothers-in-arms are now on the hunt — and that the Atlantis team are their prey.

Unless Ronon can out hunt the hunters, Colonel Sheppard’s team will fall victim to the vengeance of the V’rdai.

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Fear to tread…

With their core directive restored, the Asurans have begun to attack the Wraith on multiple fronts. Under the command of Colonel Ellis, the Apollo is dispatched to observe the battlefront, but Ellis's orders not to intervene are quickly breached when an Ancient ship drops out of hyperspace.

Inside is Angelus, fleeing the destruction of a world he has spent millennia protecting from the Wraith. Charming and likable, Angelus quickly connects with each member of the Atlantis team in a unique way and, more than that, offers them a weapon that could put an end to their war with both the Wraith and the Asurans.

But all is not what it seems, and even Angelus is unaware of his true nature — a nature that threatens the very survival of Atlantis itself…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

The rock of Aegis…

Deception and lies abound on the peaceful planet of Heruun, protected from the Wraith for generations by their mysterious guardian — the Aegis.

But with the planet falling victim to an incurable wasting sickness, and two of Colonel Sheppard’s team going missing, the secrets of the Aegis must be revealed. The shocking truth threatens to tear Herunn society apart, bringing down upon them the scourge of the Wraith. Yet even with a Hive ship poised to attack there is much more at stake than the fate of one small planet.

For the Aegis conceals a threat so catastrophic that the Atlantis team must risk everything to eliminate it from the Pegasus galaxy…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Too good to be true…

When an Ancient prodigy gives the Atlantis expedition Charybdis — a device capable of eliminating the Wraith — it’s an offer they can’t refuse. But the experiment fails disastrously, threatening to unravel the fabric of the Pegasus Galaxy — and the entire universe beyond.

Doctor Weir’s team find themselves trapped and alone in very different versions of Atlantis, each fighting for their lives and their sanity in a galaxy falling apart at the seams. And as the terrible truth begins to sink in, they realize that they must undo the damage Charybdis has wrought while they still can.

Embarking on a desperate attempt to escape the maddening tangle of realities, each tries to return to their own Atlantis before it’s too late. But the one thing standing in their way is themselves…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Burden of command…

It’s a dark time for Atlantis. Following the first Asuran clashes, Colonel Sheppard is buckling under the strain of command. When his team discovers Ancient technology which can defeat the Asuran menace, he is determined that Atlantis must possess it — at all costs.

But the involvement of Atlantis heightens local suspicions and brings two peoples to the point of war. Elizabeth Weir believes only her negotiating skills can hope to prevent the carnage, but when her diplomatic mission is attacked — and two of Sheppard’s team are lost — both Weir and Sheppard must question their decisions. And their abilities to command.

As the first shots are fired, the Atlantis team must find a way to end the conflict — or live with the blood of innocents on their hands…

The book was created by the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Leap of faith…

When Dr. Rodney McKay unlocks an Ancient mystery on a distant moon, he discovers a terrifying threat to the Pegasus galaxy.

Determined to disable the device before it's discovered by the Wraith, Colonel John Sheppard and his team navigate the treacherous ruins of an Ancient outpost. But attempts to destroy the technology are complicated by the arrival of a stranger — a stranger who can't be trusted, a stranger who needs the Ancient device to return home. Cut off from backup, under attack from the Wraith, and with the future of the universe hanging in the balance, Sheppard's team must put aside their doubts and step into the unknown.

However, when your mortal enemy is your only ally, betrayal is just a heartbeat away…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

The eye of the beholder…

When Dr. Carson Beckett disturbs the rest of two longdead Ancients, he unleashes devastating consequences of global proportions.

With the very existence of Lantea at risk, Colonel John Sheppard leads his team on a desperate search for the long lost Ancient device that could save Atlantis. While Teyla Emmagan and Dr. Elizabeth Weir battle the ecological meltdown consuming their world, Colonel Sheppard, Dr. Rodney McKay and Dr. Zelenka travel to a world created by the Ancients themselves. There they discover a human experiment that could mean their salvation…

But the truth is never as simple as it seems, and the team’s prejudices lead them to make a fatal error — an error that could slaughter thousands, including their own Dr. McKay.

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Knowledge is power…

While exploring the unused sections of the Ancient city of Atlantis, Major John Sheppard and Dr. Rodney McKay stumble on a recording device that reveals a mysterious new Stargate address. Believing that the address may lead them to a vast repository of Ancient knowledge, the team embarks on a mission to this uncharted world.

There they discover a ruined city, full of whispered secrets and dark shadows. As tempers fray and trust breaks down, the team uncovers the truth at the heart of the city. A truth that spells their destruction.

With half their people compromised, it falls to Major John Sheppard and Dr. Rodney McKay to risk everything in a deadly game of bluff with the enemy. To fail would mean the fall of Atlantis itself — and, for Sheppard, the annihilation of his very humanity…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Might makes right…

In their ongoing quest for new allies, Atlantis's flagship team travel to Halcyon, a grim industrial world where the Wraith are no longer feared — they are hunted. Horrified by the brutality of Halcyon's warlike people, Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard soon becomes caught in the political machinations of Halcyon's aristocracy. In a feudal society where strength means power, he realizes the nobles will stop at nothing to ensure victory over their rivals.

Meanwhile, Dr. Rodney McKay enlists the aid of the ruler's daughter to investigate a powerful Ancient structure, but McKay's scientific brilliance has aroused the interest of the planet's most powerful man — a man with a problem he desperately needs McKay to solve.

As Halcyon plunges into a catastrophe of its own making the team must join forces with the warlords — or die at the hands of their bitterest enemy…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Deep freeze

Trapped on a planet being consumed by a runaway ice age, Colonel Sheppard and his team discover a people — and a mystery — long disregarded by the Ancients.

With the Stargate inoperable and their Puddle Jumper damaged, there is no way for Sheppard’s team to escape the killing cold. Death seems inevitable until they are rescued by the Forgotten, a people abandoned by those who once protected them — and now condemned to witness the slow death of their world.

But something terrifying haunts their tunnel homes. When Teyla disappears and Ronon goes missing on the deadly ice plains, Sheppard and McKay risk losing their only chance of getting home in a desperate bid to find their friends and save the Forgotten from extinction…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Finders keepers…

Reeling from the terrible events of STARGATE ATLANTIS Homecoming, the expedition team members are doing whatever it takes to find Doctor Rodney McKay — even if it means turning to their enemies for help.

While Colonel Sheppard and Teyla seek information from Ladon Radim of the Genii — and pay a high price to secure his reluctant cooperation — Ronon and Doctor Keller reopen tense negotiations with their sometime-ally, Todd.

But as the balance of power begins to shift among the Wraith, Ronon and Keller struggle to ensure that they remain Todd's allies and don't become his hostages.

Meanwhile, far away, McKay is facing a fate more terrifying than anyone on Atlantis could possibly imagine…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Doctor Rodney McKay can't believe his eyes when he discovers a moon leaving planetary orbit for a collision course with its own sun. Keen to investigate, he finds something astonishing on the moon's surface — an Ancient city, the mirror of Atlantis…

But the city is not as abandoned as he thinks and Colonel Sheppard's team soon encounter a strange sect of Ancients living beneath the surface, a sect devoted to decadence and debauchery, for whom novelty is the only entertainment. And in the team from Atlantis they find the ultimate novelty to enliven their bloody gladiatorial games…

Trapped on a world heading for destruction, the team must fight their way back to the Stargate or share the fate of the doomed city of Admah…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Born to rule…

With Ancient technology scattered across the Pegasus galaxy, the Atlantis team is not surprised to find it in use on a world once defended by Dalera, an Ancient who was cast out of her society for falling in love with a human.

But in the millennia since Dalera's departure much has changed. Her strict rules have been broken, leaving her people open to Wraith attack. Only a few of the Chosen remain to operate Ancient technology vital to their defense and tensions are running high. Revolution simmers close to the surface.

When Major Sheppard and Rodney McKay are revealed as members of the Chosen, Daleran society convulses into chaos. Wanting to help resolve the crisis and yet refusing to prop up an autocratic regime, Sheppard is forced to act when Teyla and Lieutenant Ford are taken hostage by the rebels…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

Creatures of the night…

When a series of gruesome murders are uncovered around the world, the trail leads back to the SGC — and far beyond…

Recalled to Stargate Command, Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Colonel John Sheppard, and Dr. Rodney McKay are shown shocking video footage — a Wraith attack, taking place on Earth. While McKay, Teyla, and Ronon investigate the disturbing possibility that humans may harbor Wraith DNA, Colonel Sheppard is teamed with SG-1’s Dr. Daniel Jackson. Together, they follow the murderers’ trail from Colorado Springs to the war-torn streets of Iraq, and there, uncover a terrifying truth…

As an ancient cult prepares to unleash its deadly plot against humankind, Sheppard’s survival depends on his questioning of everything believed about the Wraith…

This book is a production of the InterWorld's Bookforge.

http://interworldbookforge.blogspot.ru/. Follow for new books.

http://politvopros.blogspot.ru/ — PQA: Political question and answer. The blog about russian and the world politics.

http://auristian.livejournal.com/ — Interworld's political blog in LJ.

https://vk.com/bookforge — community of Bookforge in VK.

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Кузница-книг-InterWorldа/816942508355261?ref=aymt_homepage_panel — Bookforge's community in Facebook.

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