
Ringworld скачать все книги 5 книг

Louis Wu woke aflame with new life, under a coffin lid, autodoc displays glowing before his eyes. His life is due to run (again) from post-adolescence to eventual protector age—circumstances permitting. He re-emerges into tense captivity, held by the hyper-intelligent alien Tunesmith against a background of war and politics among interstellar races. The action is centred around the decaying Ringworld itself as it becomes increasingly fragile and in need of urgent redesign. Human problems also emerge as Louis Wu’s personal life becomes increasingly complicated. Tunesmith is eventually driven to flee. Using the Quantum 2 hyperdrive to modify Ringworld, he moves it and himself elsewhere. This continuation of a truly compelling series answers existing questions, such as the origin of Ringworld, and poses new ones in a drama which will grab new and old fans alike.

Ringworld’s Children

The Ringworld series is so complex and ambitious that opens with a glossary and a cast of characters, inclusions that even many Known Space fans will need. Newcomers to Niven’s artificial planet should start with .

In this sequel to “Ringworld” and “Ringworld Engineers,” the ring is still home to many alien species. The last Puppeteer is still manipulating those he can, and Louis Wu must meet even more new challenges and solve more technological problems in order for the hominid species to survive.

The sequel to “Ringworld”. Louis Wu, Speaker-to-Animals, and the Hindmost return to Ringworld. Their aim is to prevent cataclysm. In the process, they find themselves learning Ringworld’s incredible secrets.

A new place is being built, a world of huge dimensions, encompassing millions of miles, stronger than any planet before it. There is gravity, and with high walls and its proximity to the sun, a livable new planet that is three million times the area of the Earth can be formed. We can start again!

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