
Техно триллер 28 книга

Трудно поверить, что в XXI столетии на карте Земли еще может найтись белое пятно. Трудно поверить, что миллионы лет назад на уединенном клочке суши эволюция могла выбрать себе особый путь — и породить чудовищ.

Но именно это случилось с островком, затерянным в просторах Тихого океана.

Судно «Трезубец», привлеченное сигналом бедствия, бросило якорь у берега. Никто на его борту пока не догадывается, какая катастрофа может постигнуть человечество, если обитатели острова переберутся на «большую землю»…

Головокружительный сюжет «Фрагмента», его уникальный мир заинтересовали самого великого Стивена Спилберга, и кинокомпания «DreamWorks» уже ведет переговоры о создании киноленты по мотивам этой книги.

From Publishers Weekly

The shoot-'em-up potential of spiritual subject matter has recently been profitably exploited by a number of writers (most notably James BeauSeigneur in his Christ Clone trilogy). In this compelling, science-based entry, Iles (Sleep No More; 24 Hours; The Quiet Game) gives his own particular spin on biblical mayhem. "My name is David Tennant, M.D. I'm professor of ethics at the University of Virginia Medical School, and if you're watching this tape, I'm dead." Tennant works for Project Trinity, a secret government organization attempting to build a quantum-level supercomputer. Using advanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques, Tennant and five other top scientists have supplied Trinity, the experimental computer, with molecular copies of themselves as models for a neurological operating system. As Trinity comes to life, the men who control the experiment begin to split into competing factions, each determined to use the computer for his own ends. When Tennant tries to shut the project down because of ethical considerations, he is marked for death by the beautiful but physically and psychologically scarred Geli Bauer, head of security. Iles writes himself onto a high wire that stretches over a dangerous fictional chasm as Tennant begins to have narcoleptic seizures and see life through the eyes of Jesus Christ. That this talented author makes it to the other side without falling is testament to his ingenuity and intelligence. Armageddon looms as nuclear missiles streak toward the United States, and the fate of mankind rests on Tennant's ability to reason with the omnipotent Trinity. Readers interested in the exploration of religious themes without the usual New Age blather or window-dressed dogma will snap up this novel of cutting-edge science.

Владелец букинистической лавки «LIBRI DI LUCA», расположенной в центре Копенгагена, найден мертвым. По закону дело наследует единственный сын Луки Кампелли — преуспевающий адвокат Йон. В подвале лавки он узнает тайну своего отца: Лука Кампелли являлся главой могущественного «Общества книголюбов», члены которого (так называемые «чтецы») с помощью книг могут оказывать на слушателей психологическое влияние, манипулируя сознанием читателя и трансформируя возникающие там образы в фантастические видения и ощущения.

Йон понимает, что смерть его отца не случайна. Он начинает собственное расследование…

Блистательный триллер датского автора Миккеля Биркегора стал национальным бестселлером у себя на родине, получил высшие оценки прессы и читателей. Права на издание романа проданы в 18 стран мира, готовится экранизация.

…В этом будущем искусственные интеллекты имеют равные права с людьми, города защищают непроницаемые биокуполы, благонадежные граждане практически бессмертны, а неблагонадежных наказывают «прижиганием клеток».

Именно здесь ведется «охота за головой» наследницы колоссальной финансовой империи. Голова не должна быть приживлена к новому телу. Почему? Это уже другая история…

Imagine that some people have the power to affect your thoughts and feelings when you read, or they read a book to you. They can seduce you with amazing stories, conjure up vividly imagined worlds, but also manipulate you into thinking exactly what they want you to. When Luca Campelli dies a sudden and violent death, his son Jon inherits his second-hand bookshop, Libri di Luca, in Copenhagen. Jon has not seen his father for twenty years since the mysterious death of his mother. When Luca's death is followed by an arson attempt on the shop, Jon is forced to explore his family's past. Unbeknown to Jon, the bookshop has for years been hiding a remarkable secret. It is the meeting place of a society of booklovers and readers, who have maintained a tradition of immense power passed down from the days of the great library of ancient Alexandria. Now someone is trying to destroy them, and Jon finds himself in a fight for his life and those of his new friends.

Un equipo de científicos llega a una desconocida isla.

La isla de Henders se separó del resto del mundo hace cientos de millones de años, y desarrolló su propio ecosistema, de una agresividad nunca vista. Si una de estas criaturas consiguiera salir de la isla…seguramente destruiría todo el planeta. Henders es un intenso bio-thriller de ciencia ficción en el que hay cabida para la aventura, el peligro, la ciencia, la tecnología, el debate, la política, los intereses económicos, la amistad y el amor. Una novela para poner a prueba nuestra idea del mundo. ¿Qué haríamos si descubriéramos una especie, o varias, que puede ser utilizada como arma de destrucción masiva? ¿O si existiera la posibilidad de que nos barriera del planeta por superioridad de adaptación?

Four decades ago, Richard Forthrast, the black sheep of an Iowa family, fled to a wild and lonely mountainous corner of British Columbia to avoid the draft. Smuggling backpack loads of high-grade marijuana across the border into Northern Idaho, he quickly amassed an enormous and illegal fortune. With plenty of time and money to burn, he became addicted to an online fantasy game in which opposing factions battle for power and treasure in a vast cyber realm. Like many serious gamers, he began routinely purchasing virtual gold pieces and other desirables from Chinese gold farmers—young professional players in Asia who accumulated virtual weapons and armor to sell to busy American and European buyers.

For Richard, the game was the perfect opportunity to launder his aging hundred dollar bills and begin his own high-tech start up—a venture that has morphed into a Fortune 500 computer gaming group, Corporation 9592, with its own super successful online role-playing game, T’Rain. But the line between fantasy and reality becomes dangerously blurred when a young gold farmer accidently triggers a virtual war for dominance—and Richard is caught at the center.

In this edgy, 21st century tale, Neal Stephenson, one of the most ambitious and prophetic writers of our time, returns to the terrain of his cyberpunk masterpieces and , leading readers through the looking glass and into the dark heart of imagination.

Something has gone wrong. A group of American bombers armed with nuclear weapons is streaking past the fail-safe point, beyond recall, and no one knows why. Their destination—Moscow.

In a bomb shelter beneath the White House, the calm young president turns to his Russian translator and says, “I think we are ready to talk to Premier Kruschchev.” Not far away, in the War Room at the Pentagon, the secretary of defense and his aides watch with growing anxiety as the luminous blips crawl across a huge screen map. High over the Bering Strait in a large Vindicator bomber, a colonel stares in disbelief at the attack code number on his fail-safe box and wonders if it could possibly be a mistake.

First published in 1962, when America was still reeling from the Cuban missile crisis, reflects the apocalyptic attitude that pervaded society during the height of the Cold War, when disaster could have struck at any moment. As more countries develop nuclear capabilities and the potential for new enemies lurks on the horizon, and its powerful issues continue to respond.

This techno-thriller novel is set at the time of the break-up of the Soviet Union, yet reflects today’s headlines.

Damage to a Russian aircraft carrier leads to a breakdown in the detente with the United States. Star wars erupt as the two countries invoke space-based weapons in a deadly face off in orbit. Robert Issacs, Deputy Director of Scientific Intelligence for the CIA, and his top aide, Dr. Patricia Danielson, connect the carrier damage with a mysterious seismic signal. Thwarted by internal CIA politics, they put their careers at risk to engage in an unauthorized consultation with Jason, the secret group of physicists who consult for the government. Astrophysicist Alex Runyan advances a fantastic theory that triggers a race for the truth before the conflict with Russia can spin out of control. The quest leads to the New Mexico laboratory of Paul Krone. The true danger dwarfs that posed by the international crisis.

Bonus links to historical background material are provided at the end of the book. The Krone saga continues in the sequel, , also available for Kindle.

Thirty years ago, the events depicted in this book were dismissed as impossible, because it could never happen. Now we know better. Hurricane Sandy proves that New York could by hit by a major storm, and Sandy’s strength never exceeded Category 2 (100 mph). Hurricane Faith is a Category 5 storm, with sustained winds of more than 150 mph, and gusts of far greater strength. Christopher Nicole and Diana Bachmann have created an unforgettable picture of the devastating forces that Nature can command, tracing in carefully researched detail the genesis of this ultimate storm from its inception off the coast of Africa to its terrifying climax.

But it is also the story of the people attempting to live through it from the handsome, debonair weather expert, Richard Connors, who know what is coming but can find no one to believe him, to journalist Jo Donnelly, estranged wife of millionaire sportsman Michael Donnelly, whose relationship grows with the approach of the storm. But it also tells of the many others, rich and poor, caught up in events they do not understand and with which they cannot cope, until the devastating, heart-stopping climax as the storm strikes and the greatest city on earth is laid waste about them.

Жанр: Проза

While trailing a Chinese nuclear attack sub, Jerry Mitchell, the captain of USS is shocked to see the Chinese boat torpedo a Vietnamese merchant ship.

This blatant act of aggression is the opening gambit in a war that has blindsided the U.S. and quickly embroiled all nations in the western Pacific. These nations, bound together in the newly formed Littoral Alliance, have begun a covert submarine campaign aimed at crippling China’s economy before China can set in motion its own plot to dominate the region.

In a desperate attempt to buy the president enough time to resolve the crisis diplomatically, Mitchell’s submarine squadron is ordered to interfere with attacks by both sides. China and the Littoral Alliance are both determined to win, no matter the cost, and as each side increases the level of violence, they approach a dangerous tipping point. In a race against time, the submarines of Mitchell’s squadron must execute their mission before the world witnesses an economic catastrophe—or worse, a nuclear exchange.

Жанр: Проза

The USS , a dilapidated submarine that that should have been mothballed decades ago, has been given one last mission by the newly elected president. The task: To sneak illegally into Russia’s coastal waters and recon the leaking nuclear fuel containers hidden on the floor of the Arctic Ocean. More than just an environmental nightmare, this radioactive burial ground houses enough nuclear capability to destroy most of America’s major cities.

The ’s commander, Lowell Hardy, had been looking forward to flag rank and pleasant duty upon the sub’s decommissioning. Now he is trapped in an inconceivably dangerous and illegal mission which could easily end his career, if not his life and the lives of his crew. But it’s the crew who feel Hardy’s tension as he tyrannizes everyone on board to ensure they’ll be ready for anything:

Jerry Mitchell: a former naval pilot with political connections, he is a novice submariner, unprepared for his demanding job as a weapons officer. Central to the ’s mission, Mitchell may be its greatest liability… or its ultimate salvation.

Dr. Joanna Patterson: The senior civilian scientist, appointed by and reporting to the president, she is a world-class expert on nuclear fuel contamination—and every bit as demanding as Hardy. Patterson and her partner, Dr. Emily Davis, soon find themselves battling flaring tempers, faulty machinery, lethal radioactivity, and the raging arctic seas.

The submariners: Seething with rage at their Captain Bligh-like commander and the equally domineering Joanna Patterson, they are also at war with Jerry Mitchell, and one another. Like the captain, they feel they deserve better, not this antiquated relic, not this hostile scientist, not this novice weapons officer, and definitely not this disastrously dangerous mission.

Nor is the mission what it seems. Lurking beneath the frigid, black, radioactive waters is a secret far more deadly than anything naval command could imagine—a secret so menacing the Russian Fleet is hell-bent on destroying the and all who sail in her.

Жанр: Проза

Following the events Jerry Mitchell encountered in , the pilot-turned-submarine officer is now a department head, the navigator, aboard USS . Now on a mission deep in the Barents Sea, north of Russia, explores the sea floor, part of a sophisticated reconnaissance plan that will watch the Russian navy as it trains for battle. Although well outside Russia’s territorial waters, is ambushed by Russia’s newest submarine, . Although it doesn’t fire any weapons, its aggressive new captain, Alexi Petrov, harasses the intruder with dangerously fast, insanely close passes by the American boat.

The two subs collide, with the Russian boat crippled and trapped on the bottom. Only knows where she is, and the rest of the Russian fleet is too angry to listen. Mitchell and his shipmates have to keep their own damaged boat afloat, figure out a way to make the Russians listen, and keep the trapped Russian submariners alive until they can be saved — if that is even possible.

Жанр: Проза

Jerry Mitchell is on exercises off the coast of Pakistan when his submarine is ordered to a rendezvous off the Iranian coast. Once there, disembarked SEALs, experts in seaborne commando operations, are to extract two Iranian nationals who have sensitive information on Iran’s nuclear weapons program. But while en route, the ASDS minisub suffers a battery fire, killing one crew member and forcing the rest of the occupants, four SEALs and LCDR Mitchell, to scuttle their disabled craft and swim for shore. There they find the two Iranians waiting for them, but their attempts at returning to Michigan are thwarted by heavy Iranian patrol boat activity. When agents of Iran’s secret police, VEVAK, appear, escape seems all but possible. As each attempt falls apart, time and options are quickly running out… and when they find themselves surrounded by Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corp troops, they create a bold plan to escape by sea. It’s a desperate gamble, but it’s the only way to get the proof of the Iranian plot to the US… and prevent a devastating new war.

With a fascinating international cast of characters and nonstop action, Mike Maden’s kicks off an explosive new thriller series exploring the inescapable consequences of drone warfare.

Troy Pearce is the CEO of Pearce Systems, a private security firm that is the best in the world at drone technologies. A former CIA SOG operative, Pearce used his intelligence and combat skills to hunt down America’s sworn enemies in the War on Terror. But after a decade of clandestine special ops, Pearce opted out. Too many of his friends had been sacrificed on the altar of political expediency. Now Pearce and his team chose which battles he will take on by deploying his land, sea, and air drones with surgical precision.

Pearce thinks he’s done with the U.S. government for good, until a pair of drug cartel hit men assault a group of American students on American soil. New U.S. president Margaret Meyers then secretly authorizes Pearce Systems to locate and destroy the killers sheltered in Mexico. Pearce and his team go to work, and they are soon thrust into a showdown with the hidden powers behind the El Paso attack—unleashing a host of unexpected repercussions.

A Ph.D., lecturer, and consultant on political science and international conflict, Mike Maden has crafted an intense, page-turning novel that is action-packed and frighteningly real—blurring the lines between fiction and the reality of a new stage in warfare.

«Т’Эрра»… Многопользовательская ролевая игра нового поколения с миллионами поклонников по всему миру. С каждым днем «Т’Эрра» увлекает все больше фанатов, погружающихся в захватывающий виртуальный мир, который для многих стал уже куда привлекательнее и важнее мира реального.

И успехом игры решает воспользоваться группа хакеров. Эти кибергангстеры создают уникальный вирус «REAMDE», который шифрует все данные на зараженном компьютере и требует за них выкуп…

Так начинается новый роман Нила Стивенсона – уникальный сплав научной фантастики и крепкого приключенческого романа!

“Techno thriller fans will welcome Maden’s second Troy Pearce novel, which combines grunt-level action, advanced cyber warfare, and plenty of high-tech weaponry…. Maden handles cutting edge technology and the ancient Tuareg culture with equal dexterity.”

—Publishers Weekly

“An engrossing techno thriller… Plenty of great drone details. Readers will eagerly await Troy’s further adventures.”

“A brilliant read with astounding plot twists… Maden’s trail of intrigue will captivate you from page one.”

—Clive Cussler

A brutal conflict in Mali and an international race for rare elements sets the stage for Troy Pearce and his drone technology to rescue an old friend in this adrenaline-fueled series.

Blue Warrior

Standing in the way are the Tuaregs, the fierce tribe of warrior nomads of the desert wasteland, who are fighting for their independence. The Chinese offer to help the Malian government crush the rebellion by the Tuaregs in order to gain a foothold in the area, and Al-Qaeda jihadis join the fight. In the midst of all this chaos are Troy Pearce’s closest friend and a mysterious woman from his past who ask him for help.

Deploying his team and his newest drones to rescue his friends and save the rebellion, Troy finds that he might need more than technology to survive the battle and root out the real puppet masters behind the Tuareg genocide.

[Contain tables.]

Praise for

Жанр: Проза

In the fall of 1993, Russia’s October revolution left the Ultra-nationalists in charge of a collapsing economy and a desperate people. With a disintegrating infrastructure and wounded pride, the Russian president makes a bold move to confront the United States.

Red Hammer 1994

Expertly crafted in its details, is for anyone interested in geo-political issues. Inspired by a career spent working on Air Force strategic weapon systems and a nuclear engineering and nuclear power background, Robert Ratcliffe wrote this novel after gaining a deep understanding of nuclear weapon effects and the composition and capabilities of the United States and Soviet arsenals. With a desire to write a book that explored the complexities and issues of nuclear war, was designed to provide thought-provoking realism while captivating readers. Crafted with expert accuracy, this amazing novel sets a new standard for military thrillers.

In the heart of a huge, beautiful new office building in downtown Los Angeles, something has gone totally, frighteningly wrong. The Yu Corporation Building, hailed as a monument to human genius, is quietly snuffing out employees it doesn't like. The brain of the building can't be outsmarted or unplugged — if the people inside are to survive, they'll have to be very, very lucky.

Фантастический триллер, фарс, утопия. Профессор Мордаун по секретному заказу Пентагона создаёт оружие, способное за считанные минуты превращать население целых стран в покорных зомби. Первой на очереди - Россия. Час "Х" неумолимо приближается. Шанс сорвать планы Мордауна есть только у майора ГРУ Игоря Волгина, он же агент 008.

A Contemporary Sci-Fi, Techno-Thriller, by Salvador Mercer, Author of the Claire-Agon Fantasy World Books.

When a Chinese rover discovers an alien technology on the dark side of the moon, it is up to Richard ‘Rock’ Crandon and his NASA team of scientists and engineers to devise a way to return before the Chinese and Russians.

Forced to deal with bureaucratic oversight and a complex team of personalities, Rock Crandon pushes his team to their limits.

With pressure mounting, the world is pushed closer to conflict and war as the NASA team finds itself seriously behind in the newly initiated space race. The future of mankind, its ideological and technological advances are at stake, as the world's super powers race to discover what lies on the dark side of the moon.

Who will get there first, and at what cost?

Want to see the space race continue? Sign up for Salvador Mercer’s newsletter and tell him to make it happen! Join Rock and his NASA crew on their journey to restore American Space Superiority.

Direct link to sign up for Salvador Mercer's newsletter:

* * * * *

Жанр: Проза

What happens when you combine Russian billionaires, a crazy president and nuclear weapons?… World War III. Only one man can stop it, former Navy SEAL, John Denning. Ripped from today’s headlines, this military thriller picks up where Tom Clancy left off.

John Denning (JD) has no idea a routine assignment will bring him to the edge of a nuclear war with Russia. This FBI Special Agent and former Navy SEAL, travels to Ketchikan, Alaska to take a small time felon into custody and return him to Portland, Oregon to stand trial.

Taking a boat to an abandoned mine and far from cell phone service, JD is ambushed by ten professionals in full SEAL team gear. JD is forced deep into a uranium mine by a sophisticated Russian military operation on American soil!

But why would Russia risk war with the United States of America?

A Russian, Typhoon class, ballistic missile nuclear submarine and Iranian terrorists are only two of the many obstacles JD faces to stop total devastation of North America. And practically no one else has a clue.

Can JD single-handedly stop the Russians and the Iranians from starting World War III? Only JD, in his own words, can tell you.

Roger R. Ellis, Esq., is a Hollywood entertainment attorney and ghostwriter.

The Latest Aviation Thriller From New York Times Bestselling Author John Nance!

On takeoff from Denver during a winter blizzard, an airliner piloted by veteran Captain Marty Mitchell overruns a commuter plane from behind. Bizarrely, the fuselage of the smaller aircraft is tenuously wedged onto the huge right wing of his Boeing 757, leading Mitchell to an impossible life-or-death choice.

Mitchell’s decision will land the former military pilot in the cross-hairs of a viciously ambitious district attorney determined to send him to prison for doing his job. Despondent and deeply wounded by what he sees as betrayal by the system, Mitchell at first refuses to defend himself or even assist the corporate lawyer forced against her will to represent him.

Pitted against the prosecutorial prowess of flamboyant Denver DA Grant Richardson, who is using Mitchell’s case to audition for a presidential appointment as a U.S. attorney, is young defense attorney Judith Winston. Her lack of experience in criminal cases could mean the end of Mitchell’s freedom, if he doesn’t end his own life first. However, a rising level of gritty determination even her law partners have never witnessed before, propels Winston to lay it all on the table to save Mitchell and expose Richardson as a fraud.