
The Patrimony


Жанр Фантастика

Подборка Horseclans

Год 2015

Язык Английский

Обьем книги: Полная версия

The Thoheeks is dead!

Long live the new ! But who will this new leader of Sanderz-Vawn be? For although young Horsclansman Tim Sanderz, exiled long years ago, has come to reclaim his rightful inheritance, his stepmother wants to see her own Ehleen son as ruler in Vawn. And before Tim’s half-brother Bili of Morguhn and the Undying High Lord Milo can send troops to his aid, Tim’s Hall has become an armed camp where Ehleen battles Horseclansman with cunning, treachery, and sword-swinging might. And there is far more at stake than just the leadership of Sanderz-Vawn. For the Confederation’s deadliest enemy is once again at work, using its imhuman science to plant the seeds of Lord Milo’s destruction at Sanderz Hall . . .

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