
The Emerald Lie


Жанр Детективы и Триллеры

Подборка Jack Taylor

Год 2017

ISBN: 978-0-8021-2546-0

Язык Английский

Обьем книги: Полная версия

In , the latest terror to be visited upon the dark Galway streets arrives in a most unusual form: an Eton and Cambridge graduate who becomes murderous over split infinitives, dangling modifiers, and any other sign of bad grammar. Meanwhile, Jack is approached by a grieving father with a pocketful of cash on offer if Jack will help exact revenge on those responsible for his daughter’s brutal rape and murder. Though hesitant to get involved, Jack agrees to get a read on the likely perpetrators. But Jack is soon derailed by the reappearance of Emily (previous alias: Emerald), the chameleon-like young woman who joined forces with Jack to take down her pedophile father in Bruen’s and who remains passionate, clever, and utterly homicidal. She is ready to use any sort of coercion to get Jack to conspire with her against the serial killer the Garda have nicknamed “the Grammarian,” but her most destructive obsession just might be Jack himself.

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