
Shills Can't Cash Chips


Жанр Детективы и Триллеры

Подборка Cool and Lam

Год 2016

Язык Английский

Обьем книги: Полная версия

Money in the bank had always been a persuasive factor in Bertha Cool’s life — and Lamont Hawley represented a lot of it. He also represented an insurance company that smelled a rat about a traffic-accident claim. The trouble was the claimant had drifted away — a beautiful blonde who had been co-operative and level-headed. In fact, too level-headed... she sounded almost professional. Donald Lam didn’t like it. Why should a large insurance company need an outside investigator? But Bertha’s eyes see $$$ so Donald gets cracking, and within no time he is the prime suspect. For what on earth is a body doing in the trunk of Donald’s car?

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