
Circle Of Death


Жанр Фантастика

Подборка Damask Circle

Год 2013

Язык Английский

Обьем книги: Полная версия

In one, vicious night, Kirby Brown's world is torn apart. Her best friend is dead, killed by a madman who is now after her. Doyle Fitzgerald has been sent to Melbourne, Australia to hunt down a killer. What he doesn't expect to find is a circle of witches capable of controlling the elements and a sorceress determined to take that power for herself. While Kirby finds herself inexplicably drawn to Doyle, she fears to trust him because of the magic that lies in his soul. It quickly becomes evident that the reason behind the killings lies in Kirby's past--a past she has no wish to remember. Because Doyle isn't the only one with magic in his soul. Only her magic is capable of destroying the world.

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