
In the Problem Pit


Жанр Фантастика

Год 2013

ISBN: 9780553088571

Обьем книги: Полная версия


"Introduction: Science-Fiction Games," 1974

"In the Problem Pit," 1973

"Let the Ants Try," 1949

"To See Another Mountain," 1959

"The Deadly Mission of Phineas Snodgrass," 1962 (aka The Time Machine of Phineas Snodgrass)

"Golden Ages Gone Away," 1972

"Rafferty's Reasons," 1955

"I Remember a Winter," 1972

"The Schematic Man," 1968

"What to Do Until the Analyst Comes," 1955 (aka Everybody's Happy But Me!)

"Some Joys Under the Star," 1973

"The Man Who Ate the World," 1956

"SF: The Game-Playing Literature," 1971 (aka The Game-Playing Literature)

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