
Scandalous Desires


Жанр Любовные романы

Подборка Maiden Lane

Год 2015

ISBN: 9781609419127

Язык Английский

Обьем книги: Полная версия

Can a pirate learn that the only true treasure lies in a woman's heart?

Widowed is impoverished, lovely, and kind--and nine months ago she made a horrible mistake. She went to a river pirate for help in saving her husband and in the process made a bargain that cost her her marriage. That night wounded her so terribly that she hides in the foundling home she helps run with her brother. Except now that same river pirate is back...and he's asking for her help.

"Charming" Mickey O'Connor

When his bastard baby girl was dumped in his lap--her mother having died--Mickey couldn't resist the Machiavellian urge to leave the baby on Silence's doorstep. The baby would be hidden from his enemies and he'd also bind Silence to him by her love for his daughter.

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