
I Met Someone


Жанр Проза

Подборка Inferno

Год 2016

Язык Английский

Обьем книги: Полная версия

An emotional thriller by novelist Bruce Wagner, is the story of a fictional Hollywood marriage on the precipice of disaster — and an enthralling meditation on the world in which we live.

Bruce Wagner’s is the story of Oscar award-winning actress Dusty Wilding, her wife Allegra, a long-lost daughter, and the unspeakable secret hidden beneath the glamor of their lavish, carefully calibrated, celebrity life. After Allegra suffers a miscarriage, Dusty embarks on a search for the daughter she lost at age sixteen and uncovers the answer to a question that has haunted for decades. With riveting suspense, Wagner moves between the perspectives of his characters, revealing their individual trauma and the uncanny connections to each other's past lives. sends the reader down a rabbit hole of the human psyche, with Wagner’s remarkable insights into our collective obsession with great wealth and fame, and surprises with unimaginable plot turns and unexpected fate. Alternately tender, shocking, and poetic, is Wagner’s most captivating and affecting novel yet.

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