Жанр: Фантастика
Фильм 1968 года «Планета обезьян» вдохновлял целые поколения авторов. Теперь их элита подготовила эту антологию с шестнадцатью совершенно новыми историями, происходящими в мире оригинального фильма и сериала.
Каждый исследователь постапокалиптического мира раскрывает перед читателями новую драму, даря свое уникальное видение первоисточника и безостановочный калейдоскоп событий.
Жанр: Детективы и Триллеры
From the likes of Robert Randisi, Peter Crowther, and Max Rittenberg, these 30 stories of bizarre and impossible crimes will fascinate and intrigue the reader who grapples with their intricate puzzles. A man alone in an all-glass phone booth, visible on CCTV and with no one near him, is killed by an ice pick. A man sitting alone in a room is shot by a bullet fired only once – over 200 years ago. A man enters a cable-car alone, and is visible for the entire journey, only to be found dead when he reaches the bottom. A man receives mail in response to letters apparently written by him – after his death. The Mammoth Book of Perfect Crimes and Impossible Mysteries is a stunning collection of brand new and previously unpublished stories, as well as many stories from rare mystery journals appearing for the first time in book form.
Жанр: Фантастика
All original stories about the return of Cthulhu and the Old Ones to Earth.
Some of the darkest hints in all of H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos relate to what will happen after the Old Ones return and take over the earth. What happens when Cthulhu is unleashed upon the world? What happens when the other Old Ones, long since banished from our universe, break through and descend from the stars? What would the reign of Cthulhu be like on a totally transformed planet where mankind is no longer the master? Find out in these exciting, brand-new stories.
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