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Steampunk is fascinating. There’s something compelling about the shine of clicking brass clockwork and hiss of steam-driven automatons. But until recently, there was something missing.

It was easy to find excellent stories of American and British citizens… but we rarely got to see steampunk from the point of view of the rest of the world. Steampunk World is a showcase for nineteen authors to flip the levers and start the pistons and invite you to experience the entirety of steampunk.

Edited by Sarah Hans, this anthology’s nineteen authors bring us the very best steampunk stories from around the world. The full list of the award-winning authors – including the introduction’s author, Diana M. Pho, founding editor of the oldest-running multicultural blog Beyond Victoriana – can be found below. The cover artwork is by James Ng.

The contributors have won a wide range of awards for their previous work, including the Hugo Award, Nebula Award, World Fantasy Award, Bram Stoker Award, John W. Campbell Award, Steampunk Chronicle Reader’s Choice Awards, SteamCon Airship Award, Octavia E. Butler Scholarship Award, Goodreads Award, Parsec Award, and the Origins Award.

An expedition to an alien planet; Lenin rising from the dead; a superhero so secret he does not exist. In , World Fantasy Award nominated editor Lavie Tidhar brings together a unique collection of stories from around the world. Quiet horror from Cuba and Australia; surrealist fantasy from Russia and epic fantasy from Poland; near-future tales from Mexico and Finland, as well as cyberpunk from South Africa. In this anthology one gets a glimpse of the complex and fascinating world of genre fiction – from all over our world.

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