
Столл Сэм скачать все книги 2 книг

В этой книге воздается должное выдающемуся вкладу собак в науку, историю, искусство, политику, религию. Вы узнаете о собаке, баллотировавшейся в президенты Франции, и о псе, спасшем киностудию, познакомитесь с собаками, вдохновившими людей на написание великих произведений литературы и награжденными медалями за воинскую службу. Основанные на фактах истории дают представление о разуме, смелости и любящей натуре собак всего мира.

100 Cats Who Made a Difference

If you don’t believe that one cat has the power to alter civilization, then you’ve obviously never heard of Tibbles (p. 12), the cat who single-handedly wiped out an entire species. Or Ahmedabad (p. 61), a Siamese kitten who sparked riots throughout Pakistan. Or Snowball (p. 14), the cat who helped to convict dozens of murderers and criminals. Or Felix (p. 155), the first cat to explore outer space.

These are just four of the , and this book honors their extra-ordinary contributions to science, history, art, government, religion, and more. You’ll meet a cat who filed a lawsuit (p. 66) and a cat who was slapped with a restraining order (p. 75). You’ll meet cats who have inspired great works of literature (p. 90) and classical music (p. 102). You’ll even meet a cat who telephoned the police to save the life of his owner (p. 162). These beautifully illustrated true stories are a tribute to the intelligence, bravery, and loving nature of cats all over the world.

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