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The best-selling author Carl Hiaasen takes the reins for the eleventh edition of this series, featuring twenty of the past year’s most distinguished tales of mystery, crime, and suspense.

Laura Lippman introduces us to a suburban soccer mom who moonlights as a call girl and who has a fateful encounter with a former client at her son’s soccer game. Ridley Pearson traces a famous author of horror tales who becomes trapped in a real one after his wife vanishes while jogging. Joyce Carol Oates travels to a New Jersey racetrack where the animals that break down are of the two-legged type. Lawrence Block tells the story of Keller, a hitman for hire who happens to live in Greenwich Village, loves spicy food, and collects stamps as a hobby. And Scott Wolven plunges us into the world of an ex-con who takes a job at a private and very illegal Nevada racetrack where each day millions are won and lost. Mostly lost.

As Carl Hiaasen notes in his introduction, “The stories in this collection would do honor to any anthology of short literature. More than transcending the genre of crime, they blow away its nebulous boundaries.” The Best American Mystery Stories 2007 is a powerful collection certain to delight mystery aficionados and all lovers of great fiction.

Той е инструктор по ветроходство през деня и рокмузикант вечер. Живее живот, за който останалите могат само да сънуват. Докато среща изкусителната красавица, която го впримчва в един мрачен свят — светът на Албатроса. И скоро той започва да се дави в море от брутални убийства, откраднати тайни на американската отбрана и низки предателства. Ще успее ли да се измъкне от капана на студено варварство, или трябва да умре…

Захватывающая история смертельной борьбы в «кошки-мышки» полицейского следователя Лу Болдта с пироманьяком, устроившего серию пожаров в Сиэтле.

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