
Ловси Питер скачать все книги 5 книг

Peter Diamond, head of the Criminal Investigation Division in scenic Bath, England, is investigating the murder of a young woman whose body has been found in the canal, the only clue to her identity a tattoo of a music note on one of her teeth. For Diamond, who wouldn’t know a Stradivarius from a French horn, the investigation is his most demanding ever. Meanwhile, strange things are happening to jobbing violist Mel Farran, who finds himself scouted by a very elite classical quartet — one whose previous violist disappeared without a trace. Despite the mystery shrouding the group, the chance to join is too good to pass up, and Mel finds himself in a cushy residency at Bath Spa University with the quartet — and embroiled in the unusually musical murder investigation. As the story unfolds in fugue-like counterpoint, Peter and Mel both learn frightening secrets about fandom and about what it takes to survive in the cutthroat world of professional musicians. Peter Lovesey has been hailed by the critics as ‘superlative’, ‘a master of the genre’, ‘never puts a foot wrong’ and the Peter Diamond series as ‘one of the most enjoyable police series around’. This new case for the much-loved detective will bring new praise and much satisfaction for his legions of fans.

Члены литературного детективного клуба «Ищейки» привыкли разгадывать книжные преступления. Но на этот раз им пришлось стать свидетелями настоящих преступлений! Сначала у эксцентричного пожилого Майло Моциона обнаруживается похищенная из музея бесценная старинная марка. А потом происходит загадочное убийство…

Но кто и зачем избавился от самого тихого и неприметного из «литературных детективов» ночного сторожа Сида Тауэрса? Как его труп попал на яхту все того же Моциона? Почему таинственный анонимный осведомитель пытается обвинить в этом преступлении еще одного члена клуба — преуспевающую галеристку Джессику Шоу?

Пока у Питера Даймонда больше вопросов, чем ответов. А навязчивые попытки дилетантов «Ищеек» помочь запутывают расследование все сильнее…

Rose and Antonia had a good war. As WAAF plotters, they had all the excitement and independence of a difficult and dangerous job, and all the fun of being two women on an RAF base. Peacetime is a disappointment. There is rationing, shortages, and nothing to do. Rosie’s war-hero husband has turned brutal lout: Antonia, bored with her rich manufacturer, wants to move to America with her lover. Neither can afford a divorce. But what are plotters for, if not to plot? And Antonia’s ruthless scheme would give them both what they want. If Rosie doesn’t lose her nerve, they could get away with murder...

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