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Идеальное убийство возможно?

На роскошном приеме в Сан-Франциско убиты богатые супруги.

Но среди многочисленных гостей нет ни одного свидетеля!

А криминалисты не могут определить, что послужило орудием убийства.

Детектив Линдси Боксер начинает расследование и вскоре понимает: убийца только начал действовать.

Но кто следующий в его списке?

По какому принципу он выбирает жертвы?

И главное, как ему удается совершать преступления, не оставляя ни единой улики?

St. Peter's Square, Rome. White smoke signals that a new Pope has been chosen. The world is watching as massive crowds gather in Rome, waiting for news of a new Pope. It's a turning point that could change the Catholic Church for ever, as one of the rumoured candidates, Brigid Fitzgerald, would be the first female Pope in history. But Brigid has made a legion of powerful enemies and is a target for all those who fear that the Church has lost its way – dangerous adversaries who won't accept challenges to tradition. Locked in a deadly, high-stakes battle with forces determined to undermine her, Brigid must confront her enemies before she loses everything…including her life.

Сын бывшего губернатора Калифорнии, красавчик и любимец прессы Майкл Кэмпион, умер от сердечного приступа в постели элитной проститутки!

Но все не так просто: полиции не удается найти останки Майкла, а «ночная бабочка» очень скоро отказывается от своих показаний.

Так что же произошло с Майклом?

Прокурор Юки Кастеллано уверена: его убили. Но кто? Может быть, эксцентричный писатель, работающий над книгой о Майкле и упорно намекающий, что ему известно то, о чем не подозревает полиция?

Охота за опасным преступником началась…

Detective Lindsay Boxer's long-awaited wedding celebration becomes a distant memory when she is called to investigate a horrendous crime: a badly injured teenage girl is left for dead, and her newborn baby is nowhere to be found. Lindsay discovers that not only is there no trace of the criminals - but that the victim may be keeping secrets. 

At the same time, Assistant District Attorney Yuki Castellano is prosecuting the biggest case of her life - a woman who has been accused of murdering her husband in front of her two young children. Yuki's career rests on a guilty verdict, so when Lindsay finds evidence that could save the defendant, she is forced to choose. Should she trust her best friend or follow her instinct? 

Lindsay's every move is watched by her new boss, Lieutenant Jackson Brady, and when the pressure to find the baby starts interfering with her new marriage to Joe, she wonders if she'll ever be able to start a family of her own.

Экскурсионный паром стал местом кровавой бойни, которую учинил Фред Бринкли, внезапно открывший стрельбу по туристам. Четверо убиты. Клэр Уошберн — судмедэксперт и близкая подруга детектива Линдси Боксер — тяжело ранена.

Убийца добровольно сдался полиции, однако ловкий адвокат готов помочь ему уйти от ответственности…

Линдси, которой поручено вести дело Бринкли, и ее подруги — великолепная команда по расследованию убийств — убеждены: этому необходимо помешать любой ценой.

Ведь Бринкли смертельно опасен. И, выйдя на свободу, он будет убивать снова и снова…

A young mother and her infant child are ruthlessly gunned down while returning to their car in the garage of a shopping mall. There are no witnesses, and Detective Lindsay Boxer is left with only one shred of evidence: a cryptic message scrawled across the windshield in blood red lipstick.

The same night, the wife of A-list actor Marcus Dowling walks in on a cat burglar who is about to steal millions of dollars worth of precious jewels. In just seconds there is an empty safe, a lifeless body, and another mystery that throws San Francisco into hysteria.

Lindsay spends every waking hour working with her partner Rich-and her desire for him threatens to tear apart both her marriage and the Women's Murder Club. Before Lindsay and her friends can piece together either case, one of the killers forces Lindsay to put her own life on the line-but is it enough to save the city? With unparalleled danger and explosive action, The 9th Judgment is James Patterson at his compelling, unstoppable best!

Респектабельный курортный город захлестнула волна жестоких убийств. Их жертвы — состоятельные пары с детьми-подростками. Всех перед смертью подвергли пыткам, со всеми расправились одинаковым способом, но ни одну из жертв не ограбили.

Кто и почему совершил эти чудовищные преступления?

Линдси и ее подруги — лучшая команда по расследованию убийств со времен Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона — начинают собственное расследование и приходят к неожиданному выводу, если не остановить преступников, то следующей жертвой может стать сама Линдси…

Syd, a breathtakingly beautiful supermodel on a photo shoot in Hawaii, disappears. Fearing the worst, her parents travel to Hawaii to investigate for themselves, never expecting the horror that awaits them. LA Times reporter Ben Hawkins is conducting his own research into the case, hoping to help the victim and get an idea for his next bestseller. With no leads and no closer to uncovering the kidnapper's identity than when he stepped off the plane, Ben gets a shocking visit that pushes him into an impossible-to-resist deal with the devil. A heart-pounding story of fear and desire, SWIMSUIT transports readers to a chilling new territory where the collision of beauty and murder transforms paradise into a hell of unspeakable horrors.

When a horrifying attack leaves one of the four members of the Women's Murder Club struggling for her life, the others fight to keep a madman behind bars before anyone else is hurt. And Lindsay Boxer and her new partner in the San Francisco police department run flat-out to stop a series of kidnappings that has electrified the city: children are being plucked off the streets together with their nannies – but the kidnappers aren't demanding ransom. Amid uncertainty and rising panic, Lindsay juggles the possibility of a new love with an unsolvable investigation, and the knowledge that one member of the club could be on the brink of death.

And just when everything appears momentarily under control, the case takes a terrifying turn, putting an entire city in lethal danger. Lindsay must make a choice she never dreamed she'd face – with no certainty that either outcome has more than a prayer of success.

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