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Anthology by Thomas H Cook and Otto Penzler

This year's worth of the most powerful, the most startling, the smartest and most astute, in short, the best crime journalism. Scouring hundreds of publications, Otto Penzler and Thomas H. Cook have created a remarkable compilation containing the best examples of the most current and vibrant of our literary traditions: crime reporting.

Included in this volume are Maximillian Potter's "The Body Farm" from GQ, a portrait of Murray Marks, who collects dead bodies and strews them around two acres of the University of Tennessee campus to study their decomposition in order to help solve crime; Jay Kirk's

"My Undertaker, My Pimp," from Harper's, in which Mack Moore and his wife, Angel, switch from run-ning crooked funeral parlors to establishing a brothel; Skip Hollandsworth's "The Day Treva Throneberry Disappeared" from Texas Monthly, about the sudden disappearence of a teenager and the strange place she turned up; Lawrence Wright's "The Counterterrorist" from The New Yorker, the story of John O'Neill, the FBI agent who tracked Osama bin Laden for a decade-until he was killed when the World Trade Center collapsed. Intriguing, entertaining, and compelling reading, Best American Crime Writing has established itself as a much-anticipated annual.

Монументальное публицистическое исследование.

Сенсационные подробности из жизни лидеров «Аль-Каиды» и история возникновения группировки. Невероятный рассказ о людях, противостоящих религиозным фанатикам, — специальном агенте ФБР Джоне О'Нейле и ведущих сотрудниках ЦРУ. Интересные и малоизвестные факты из биографии Усамы бен Ладена, хронология событий, планы террористов. Причины провала западных спецслужб, которым не удалось предотвратить сокрушительный удар по Америке.

• Бестселлер в 25 странах мира

• Американская национальная книжная премия

• Пулитцеровская премия

• Лучшая книга года по оценкам Time, Newsweek, The Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, The New York Times Book Review

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