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Келър е типичният градски човек. Изкарва добри пари и живее в хубав апартамент. Решава кръстословици. Гледа телевизия. Докато телефонът звънне. Toгава той си събира багажа, качва се на самолета, прелита половин Америка и убива някого. И за разлика от филмите, които Келър обича да гледа и в които можеш да познаеш кои са добрите, в книгата на Лорънс Блок невинаги можеш да кажеш кой е добрият и кой — лошият.

MATT SCUDDER RETURNS. More than 40 years after his debut and nearly a decade since his last appearance, one of the most renowned characters in all of crime fiction is back on the case in this major new novella by Mystery Writers of America Grand Master Lawrence Block. Well past retirement age and feeling his years — but still staying sober one day at a time — Matthew Scudder learns that alcoholics aren’t the only ones who count the days since their last slip. Matt’s longtime partner, Elaine, tells him of a group of former sex workers who do something similar, helping each other stay out of the life. But when one young woman describes an abusive client who’s refusing to let her quit, Elaine encourages her to get help of a different sort. The sort only Scudder can deliver. A Time to Scatter Stones offers not just a gripping crime story but also a richly drawn portrait of Block’s most famous character as he grapples with his own mortality while proving to the younger generation that he’s still got what it takes. For Scudder’s millions of fans around the world (including the many who met the character through Liam Neeson’s portrayal in the film version of A Walk Among the Tombstones), A Time to Scatter Stones is an unexpected gift — a valedictory appearance that will remind readers why Scudder is simply the best there is.

It begins in the Pacific Northwest, in Oregon. Guthrie looks around and decides to take a walk. He doesn't know how far he's going, he doesn't know where he's going. He doesn't take much with him, just a small backpack. A journey of any length begins with a single step and Guthrie takes it, facing east. Wonderful things happen as he walks: Sleeping in the open in the chilled air, Guthrie discovers that he is not cold. Tired, he finds he always has a place to sleep. And he begins to draw people to him: Jody, a young man who doesn't understand what is happening, but knows he must walk. Sara and her son Thom. She's blind, but sees better than the sighted. Mame, crippled by arthritis, leaves her walker by the roadside. The group grows and walks and heals. Also walking, but on another path, is Mark. Murderous Mark. When he joins the people, he discovers his role… and his punishment. The random walk: It never ends, it just changes; it is not the destination which matters, but the journey.

The best-selling author Carl Hiaasen takes the reins for the eleventh edition of this series, featuring twenty of the past year’s most distinguished tales of mystery, crime, and suspense.

Laura Lippman introduces us to a suburban soccer mom who moonlights as a call girl and who has a fateful encounter with a former client at her son’s soccer game. Ridley Pearson traces a famous author of horror tales who becomes trapped in a real one after his wife vanishes while jogging. Joyce Carol Oates travels to a New Jersey racetrack where the animals that break down are of the two-legged type. Lawrence Block tells the story of Keller, a hitman for hire who happens to live in Greenwich Village, loves spicy food, and collects stamps as a hobby. And Scott Wolven plunges us into the world of an ex-con who takes a job at a private and very illegal Nevada racetrack where each day millions are won and lost. Mostly lost.

As Carl Hiaasen notes in his introduction, “The stories in this collection would do honor to any anthology of short literature. More than transcending the genre of crime, they blow away its nebulous boundaries.” The Best American Mystery Stories 2007 is a powerful collection certain to delight mystery aficionados and all lovers of great fiction.

This anthology features some of the most famous authors writing at the peak of their careers!

Самую, пожалуй, мрачную картину – «Комнату в Нью-Йорке» – выбрал Стивен Кинг, подаривший сборнику зловещий рассказ о семье Эндерби и о их способе выжить во времена Великой депрессии. Самая изысканная – «Одиннадцать утра» – вдохновила «живого классика» американской литературы Джойс Кэрол Оутс на элегантную и безжалостную историю, где практически стирается тонкая грань между любовью, ненавистью и… преступлением. А самая знаменитая – «Полуночники» – «досталась» Майклу Коннелли. И это справедливо: кому, как не любителю джаза, детективу Гарри Босху, и пытаться разгадать тайну этого полотна? Также в работы Эдварда Хоппера вдохнули «литературную жизнь» Джеффри Дивер, Ли Чайлд и Лоренс Блок. Хотя, возможно, читатель увидит в его картинах «свою» историю, которая будет ждать, чтобы ее рассказали…

In the era before he created moody private investigator Matthew Scudder, burglar Bernie Rhodenbarr, sleepless spy Evan Tanner, and the amiable hit man Keller — and years before his first Edgar Award — a young writer named Lawrence Block submitted a story titled “You Can’t Lose” to Manhunt magazine. It was published, and the rest is history. One Night Stands and Lost Weekends is a sterling collection of short crime fiction and suspense novelettes penned between 1958 and 1962 by a budding young master and soon-to-be Grand Master — an essential slice of genre history, and more fun than a high-speed police chase following a bank job gone bad.

Жанр: Проза

Consider Ariel Jardell, an adopted twelve-year-old girl driven by jealousy — her mother thinks — and by forces far more bizarre — as you will discern — to a precocious excursion into evil from mere mischief, to malevolence beyond compare... Haunting as The Turn of the Screw, chilling as The Bad Seed, Ariel spins a complex web of demonic circumstance with a fascinating, terrifying child at its center, giving new definition to the age-old conflict of good and evil, sane and insane.

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