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Жанр: Юмор

Колдунья средней руки Райни Бенарес — искатель. Она занимается поиском пропавших вещей, людей, эльфов, гоблинов и гномов в городе Мермейя королевства Бренир. Ее бизнес не всегда легален, и в кругу ее знакомых есть сомнительные личности вроде бывшего вора Квентина. Он-то и втравил девушку в серьезные неприятности, украв у известного некроманта загадочный магический амулет, с помощью которого можно найти могущественный поглощающий души камень Сагред. За ним охотятся и эльфы во главе с Хранителем, и гоблины, ведомые верховным шаманом ордена Кринсани. Ставка в этой игре — жизнь самой Райни, поскольку амулет по неведомым причинам не желает с ней расставаться.

My name is Raine Benares—and it sucks to be me. The Saghred, a soul-stealing stone that has given me unlimited power, has been stolen by a goblin prince, and with it went my magic. The Saghred is in the goblin capital of Regor, in the hands of Sarad Nukpana, who's on the verge of becoming the most powerful mage ever... just as soon as I'm dead.

Because Sarad can't use the stone while I'm alive. Incentive enough to plan a little trip to Regor with a small band of good friends, not-so-good friends, and outright enemies. All we need to do is destroy the Saghred, kill Sarad, and put a renegade prince on the throne. Did I mention I'll be doing this without magic?

Raine Benares is a seeker who finds lost things and people. Ever since the Saghred, a soul-stealing stone that's given her unlimited power, has bonded to her, the goblin king and the elves have wanted to possess its magic themselves. Which means a goblin thief and her ex-fiancé-an elven assassin-are after her. To survive, she'll need the help of her notorious criminal family.

Four masters of urban fantasy and paranormal romance plunge readers into the dangerous, captivating world unearthed beyond the dark...

(Kate Daniels, #6.5; SPI Files, # 0.5; Psy-Changeling, #12.5)

New York Times Nalini Singh Secrets at Midnight

In #1bestselling author ’ novella,, when people start going missing, shapeshifting tigress Dali Harimau and jaguar shifter Jim Shrapshire must uncover the truth about the mysterious creatures responsible.

From —a warrior princess must tame to earn a place among her people. But she quickly discovers that the beast isn't a monster, but a barbarian warrior who intends to do some taming himself.

It’s seer Makenna Frazier's first day on the job at Supernatural Protection and Investigations, and her first assignment is more than she bargained for when bodyguard duty for a leprechaun prince’s bachelor party goes every which way but right in national bestselling author ’s .

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