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This statement was true when H. P. Lovecraft first wrote it at the beginning of the twentieth century, and it remains true at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The only thing that has changed is what is unknown.

With each passing year, science, technology, and the march of time shine light into the craggy corners of the universe, making the fears of an earlier generation seem quaint. But this “light” creates its own shadows. The Best Horror of the Year, edited by Ellen Datlow, chronicles these shifting shadows. It is a catalog of terror, fear, and unpleasantness, as articulated by today’s most challenging and exciting writers.

The best horror writers of today do the same thing that horror writers of a hundred years ago did. They tell good stories — stories that scare us. And when these writers tell really good stories that really scare us, Ellen Datlow notices. She’s been noticing for more than a quarter century. For twenty-one years, she coedited The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror, and for the last six years, she’s edited this series. In addition to this monumental cataloging of the best, she has edited hundreds of other horror anthologies and won numerous awards, including the Hugo, Bram Stoker, and World Fantasy awards.

More than any other editor or critic, Ellen Datlow has charted the shadowy abyss of horror fiction. Join her on this journey into the dark parts of the human heart. either for the first time. or once again.

Когда вы откроете эту книгу, казненный палач вернется, чтобы закончить начатое… Смотрительница заброшенного маяка окажет вам прием, который вы не сможете забыть… И даже если вам удастся вернуться из этого города — вы никогда не станете прежним… Ведь от собственного страха никуда не спрятаться.

Более 20 авторов — от всемирно известного Дэвида Моррелла, создателя легендарного Рэмбо, и Марка Морриса, автора романов о Хеллбое и Докторе Кто, до Ричарда Кристиана Мэтесона, одного из самых успешных сценаристов Голливуда, и непревзойденного Кристофера Фаулера, которого по праву называют одним из отцов интеллектуального триллера.

Более 20 произведений — от фэнтези до настоящего хоррора!

Более 20 ваших самых страшных кошмаров, скрывающихся в заброшенных домах, темных аллеях и поздних телефонных звонках…

Number 13 — lucky for horror fans! This award-winning anthology series has now reached its thirteenth spectacular volume and to mark the event, Steve Jones has chosen only the very best short stories and novellas by today's finest exponents of the horror genre. Contributors to this volume include: Gala Blau, Ramsey Campbell, Dennis Etchison, Charles Grant, Glen Hirshberg, Chico Kidd, Nancy Kilpatrick, Paul J. McAuley, Conrad Williams. Also featuring the most comprehensive overview of the year, a fascinating necrology and a list of useful contacts, this is the one book that all lovers of the supernatural and psychological terror will want on their shelves.

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