
Силко Лесли Мармон скачать все книги 5 книг

Жанр: Проза

A tour de force examination of the historical conflict between Native and Anglo Americans by critically acclaimed author Leslie Marmon Silko, under the hot desert sun of the American Southwest.

In this virtuoso symphony of character and culture, Leslie Marmon Silko’s breathtaking novel interweaves ideas and lives, fate and history, passion and conquest in an attempt to re-create the moral history of the Americas as told from the point of view of the conquered, not the conquerors. Touching on issues as disparate as the borderlands drug wars, ecological devastation committed for the benefit of agriculture, and the omnipresence of talking heads on American daytime television, is fiction on the grand scale, a sweeping epic of displacement, intrigue, and violent redemption.

A highly original and poetic self-portrait from one of America's most acclaimed writers.

Leslie Marmon Silko's new book, her first in ten years, combines memoir with family history and reflections on the creatures and beings that command her attention and inform her vision of the world, taking readers along on her daily walks through the arroyos and ledges of the Sonoran desert in Arizona. Silko weaves tales from her family's past into her observations, using the turquoise stones she finds on the walks to unite the strands of her stories, while the beauty and symbolism of the landscape around her, and of the snakes, birds, dogs, and other animals that share her life and form part of her family, figure prominently in her memories. Strongly influenced by Native American storytelling traditions, becomes a moving and deeply personal contemplation of the enormous spiritual power of the natural world-of what these creatures and landscapes can communicate to us, and how they are all linked.

The book is Silko's first extended work of nonfiction, and its ambitious scope, clear prose, and inventive structure are captivating. will delight loyal fans and new readers alike, and it marks the return of the unique voice and vision of a gifted storyteller.

Жанр: Проза

A sweeping, multifaceted tale of a young Native American pulled between the cherished traditions of a heritage on the brink of extinction and an encroaching white culture, is the powerful story of one woman's quest to reconcile two worlds that are diametrically opposed.At the center of this struggle is Indigo, who is ripped from her tribe, the Sand Lizard people, by white soldiers who destroy her home and family. Placed in a government school to learn the ways of a white child, Indigo is rescued by the kind-hearted Hattie and her worldly husband, Edward, who undertake to transform this complex, spirited girl into a "proper" young lady. Bit by bit, and through a wondrous journey that spans the European continent, traipses through the jungles of Brazil, and returns to the rich desert of Southwest America, Indigo bridges the gap between the two forces in her life and teaches her adoptive parents as much as, if not more than, she learns from them.

Жанр: Проза

Современная американская новелла. 70—80-е годы: Сборник. Пер. с англ. / Составл. и предисл. А. Зверева. — М.: Радуга, 1989. — 560 с.

Наряду с писателями, широко известными в нашей стране (Дж. Апдайк, Дж. Гарднер, У. Стайрон, У. Сароян и другие), в сборнике представлены молодые прозаики, заявившие о себе в последние десятилетия (Г. О’Брайен, Дж. Маккласки, Д. Сантьяго, Э. Битти, Э. Уокер и другие). Особое внимание уделено творчеству писателей, представляющих литературу национальных меньшинств страны. Затрагивая наиболее примечательные явления американской жизни 1970—80-х годов, для которой характерен острый кризис буржуазных ценностей и идеалов, новеллы сборника примечательны стремлением их авторов к точности социального анализа.

Жанр: Проза

Tayo, a young Native American, has been a prisoner of the Japanese during World War II, and the horrors of captivity have almost eroded his will to survive. His return to the Laguna Pueblo reservation only increases his feeling of estrangement and alienation. While other returning soldiers find easy refuge in alcohol and senseless violence, Tayo searches for another kind of comfort and resolution.

Tayo's quest leads him back to the Indian past and its traditions, to beliefs about witchcraft and evil, and to the ancient stories of his people. The search itself becomes a ritual, a curative ceremony that defeats the most virulent of afflictions — despair.

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