
Пайк Эприлинн скачать все книги 4 книг

Возвратившись из волшебного мира, Лорел, пятнадцатилетняя фея, ведет тихую, спокойную жизнь в калифорнийском городке Кресент-Сити. Ничто, казалось бы, не предвещает грозы, все хорошо, Лорел влюблена в Дэвида, ее одноклассника, и девушке есть кому поведать о своих чувствах — своей лучшей подруге Челси. Внезапно в школе, где Лорел учится, появляются Тамани, ее бывший телохранитель, которого она прогнала когда-то за его настойчивые притязания, и Юки, фея, которой покровительствует Клеа, охотница на троллей. С чем связана такая внезапность? Не с тем ли, что в окрестностях города все чаще обнаруживаются следы троллей? И кто она, эта таинственная Юки, — друг или враг?

Уже первая книга Эприлинн Пайк, «Крылья», вызвала настоящую бурю в литературном мире. Ведь дебютную книгу незнакомого автора представила сама Стефани Майер, культовый автор «Сумерек» и других не менее сенсационных произведений. Кроме того, роман мгновенно приобрела для экранизации компания Уолта Диснея в лице продюсеров фильма «Сумерки», снятого по роману все той же Стефани Майер.

Defy the Dark, an all-new anthology edited by Saundra Mitchell. Coming Summer 2013 from HarperTeen!

It features 16 stories by critically-acclaimed and bestselling YA authors as they explore things that can only happen in the dark. Authors include Sarah Rees Brennan, Rachel Hawkins, Carrie Ryan, Aprilynne Pike, Malinda Lo, Courtney Summers, Beth Revis, Sarah Ockler, and more.

Contemporary, genre, these stories will explore every corner of our world- and so many others. What will be the final story that defies the dark? Who will the author be?

Tavia Michaels is the sole survivor of the plane crash that killed her parents. When she starts to see strange visions of a boy she’s never spoken with in real life, she begins to suspect that there’s much about her past that she isn’t being told.

Tavia immediately searches for answers, desperate to determine why she feels so drawn to a boy she hardly knows. But when Tavia discovers that the aunt and uncle who took her in after her parents' death may have actually been responsible for the plane crash that killed them--and that she may have been the true intended victim--she flees for the safety of Camden, Maine, where the boy she sees in her visions instructs her to go.

Now, Tavia is on the run with no one to trust. No one, that is, except for her best friend and longtime crush, Benson.

Tavia feels torn between the boy who mysteriously comes to her at night and the boy who has been by her side every step of the way. But what Tavia doesn't know is that the world is literally falling apart and that to save it she will have to unite with the boy in her visions. Only problem? To do so would mean rejecting Benson's love. And that's the one thing Tavia Michaels swore she'd never do.

The blockbuster film meets Lisa McMann's Wake trilogy in this dark paranormal thriller from #1 bestselling author Aprilynne Pike. This novel is also perfect for fans of Kelley Armstrong, Alyson Noel, and Kimberly Derting.

Charlotte Westing has a gift. She is an Oracle and has the ability to tell the future. But it doesn't do her much good. Instead of using their miraculous power, modern-day Oracles are told to fight their visions—to refrain from interfering. And Charlotte knows the price of breaking the rules. She sees it every day in her wheelchair-bound mother and the absence of her father. But when a premonition of a classmate's death is too strong for her to ignore, Charlotte is forced to make an impossible decision: continue following the rules or risk everything—even her sanity—to stop the serial killer who is stalking her town.

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