
Кливз Энн скачать все книги 23 книг

Детективная серия для любителей Агаты Кристи и Шерлока Холмса.

Автор уже известен в России.

Популярная за рубежом серия о Вере Стэнхоул легла в основу сериала «Вера».

Энн Кливз получила множество наград и стала автором бестселлеров.

Классический детектив в духе Артура Конан Дойла и Агаты Кристи.

Жизнь инспектора Веры Стенхоуп не может быть спокойной даже вне работы. В сауне местного спортзала, куда она приходит отвлечься, работа снова ее настигает: рядом лежит труп женщины с синяками на шее. Интересно, Вера хоть когда-нибудь видела людей, которые умерли спокойно?

От нового расследования у Веры бурлит кровь. Смерть еще никогда не заставляла ее чувствовать себя такой живой. Но прошлое убитой жертвы раскрывает шокирующую тайну, которая затрагивает и жизнь инспектора.

Осторожно, Вера Стенхоуп, ты ищешь человека, способного на страшное ради сокрытия своих преступлений…

Энн Кливз – признанный мастер британского детектива. Она почерпнула лучшее из романов великих предшественников – Агаты Кристи, Артура Конан Дойля и Гилберта Кита Честертона – и воплотила их в собственном стиле, что делает ее романы поистине уникальными. С психологической глубиной, дерзкими героями и загадочной атмосферой северной Англии, романы Энн Кливз заслуживают встать в один ряд с шедеврами детективной литературы.

Очередное жаркое лето на побережье Нортумберленда. Джули Армстронг возвращается домой после вечерней прогулки и обнаруживает, что ее сын убит. Люка задушили, положили в наполненную ванну и украсили дикими цветами. Эта стилизованная сцена убийства заинтриговала инспектора Веру Стэнхоуп и ее команду. Но они должны действовать быстро, чтобы найти таинственного маньяка. А пока местные жители вынуждены делиться своими самыми темными тайнами с детективом, убийца наблюдает и ждет. Возможно, он успеет спрятать еще одно тело в красивые темные глубины…

Энн Кливз наследует своим великим предшественникам, создавая объемные, психологически точные портреты персонажей. Бескрайние пейзажи и удушливая атмосфера провинциальных городков, проницательность детектива и нестандартные методы расследования – все это откроет новые грани современного британского детектива.

1. Известный в Великобритании автор детективов.

2. Сочетание увлекательной детективной загадки и глубокого психологизма.

3. Атмосфера классического британского детектива.

4. Главная героиня, которая стоит в одном ряду с самыми известными литературными сыщиками.

5. Книга легла в основу сериала «Вера».

«Кливз мастерски наносит мощный, уверенный удар и попадает в самую точку» -

«С каждой книгой Энн Кливз пишет все лучше! "Скрытые глубины" – полна едва уловимых намеков и тонких нюансов. А Кливз вырисовывает персонажей с большой заботой и вниманием.»



В уединенном Доме писателей на побережье Нортумберленда проводится курс для начинающих авторов «Литературное вскрытие: Как писать короткий детективный рассказ». Целую неделю участники оттачивали свое мастерство и продумывали безупречный сценарий убийства. Неудивительно, что однажды вечером на балконе находят тело одного из преподавателей с застывшей гримасой ужаса на лице.

Практически у каждого в доме имелась причина желать смерти Тони Фердинанду, но только Джоанну Тобин видели с ножом в руке рядом с убитым. По счастливой случайности, она – близкая соседка и подруга инспектора Веры Стенхоуп, которой уже давненько не приходилось распутывать сложные дела. Вскоре становится ясно, что женщину подставил настоящий преступник. Только как вычислить убийцу среди тех, кто зарабатывает себе на жизнь, сочиняя идеальные преступления?

«Энн Кливз – одна из моих любимых писательниц детективов». – Луиза Пенни, автор серии об инспекторе Гамаше

«Одна из лучших британских авторов детективов». – Daily Express

«Энн Кливз – искусный мастер, поддерживающий наш интерес и медленно продвигающий к развязке. Ее простой язык и продуманное построение сюжета делают Кливз одним из лучших писателей-реалистов в детективном жанре». – Sunday Express

Thin Air is the sixth book in Ann Cleeves' Shetland series – now a major BBC One drama starring Douglas Henshall as detective Jimmy Perez, Shetland. A group of old university friends leave the bright lights of London and travel to Unst, Shetland's most northerly island, to celebrate the marriage of one of their friends to a Shetlander. But late on the night of the wedding party, one of them, Eleanor, disappears – apparently into thin air. It's mid-summer, a time of light nights and unexpected mists. The following day, Eleanor's friend Polly receives an email. It appears to be a suicide note, saying she'll never be found alive. And then Eleanor's body is discovered, lying in a small loch close to the cliff edge. Detectives Jimmy Perez and Willow Reeves are dispatched to Unst to investigate. Before she went missing, Eleanor claimed to have seen the ghost of a local child who drowned in the 1920s. Her interest in the ghost had seemed unhealthy – obsessive, even – to her friends: an indication of a troubled mind. But Jimmy and Willow are convinced that there is more to Eleanor's death than they first thought. Is there a secret that lies behind the myth? One so shocking that someone would kill – many years later – to protect? Ann Cleeves' striking Shetland novel explores the tensions between tradition and modernity that lie deep at the heart of a community, and how events from the past can have devastating effects on the present. Also available in the Shetland series are Raven Black, White Nights, Red Bones, Blue Lightning and Dead Water.

«Ловушка для ворона» Энн Кливз – еще одна книга в копилку классики английского детектива. Однако, в отличие от многих коллег по жанру, в этом произведении Энн Кливз больше всего интересует не только само преступление и процедура разоблачения убийцы, но и подробный анализ событий, приведших к катастрофе.

В центре внимания писательницы три очень непохожие друг на друга женщины – Рэйчел, Энн и Грейс. Им сложно найти общий язык, но они вынуждены провести несколько недель в одном доме на зеленых холмах и ветреных пустошах Северной Англии, проверяя местность, предназначенную для разработки, на наличие редких экземпляров растений и животных.

Работу прерывает убийство одной из них. Приехавшая расследовать дело детектив Вера Стенхоуп не хочет, чтоб они покидали дом в холмах: она верит, что убийца еще вернется и его проще ловить на живца. Связана ли смерть жертвы с экологической проверкой или кто-то из местной деревушки сводит с женщинами старые счеты? Судьбы главных героинь оказываются причудливо переплетены, и им нужно успеть разобраться в этих связях, чтобы понять логику убийцы. Однако сделать это в коттедже в пустынных холмах, который они не могут покинуть, как вороны в ловушке, совсем непросто…

Десять лет прошло с тех пор, как Джини Лонг обвинили в убийстве пятнадцатилетней Эбигейл Мэнтел. А теперь обитатели йоркширской деревни Элвет с ужасом узнают, что появились новые улики, свидетельствующие о невиновности Джини. Значит, убийца Эбигейл все еще на свободе.

Для Эммы Беннетт это открытие означает возвращение воспоминаний о жизнерадостной подруге – и о жутком зимнем дне, когда она обнаружила ее тело, лежащее в холодной канаве.

Инспектор Вера Стэнхоуп начинает новое расследование в прибрежной деревне, и ее жители вынуждены вернуться в то время, о котором они надеялись забыть. Напряжение нарастает. Но чего они боятся больше – убийцы или собственного постыдного прошлого?

Постепенно Вера узнает историю каждого из них и все больше убеждается, что вскоре ей предстоит раскрыть несколько страшных тайн.

The third title in the Inspector Ramsay crime series. Dorothea Cassidy, the Vicar's wife is found dead in the park's flower bed. The list of suspects include old Mrs Bowman, Clive Stringer, a disturbed adolescent, and Theresa Stringer, a single mother with a violent boyfriend and even members of her own family.

The first crime novel featuring Inspector Ramsay, whose reputation hangs in the balance as he investigates the murder of a headmaster in a close-knit Northumbrian pit village.

Life seems perfect in the quiet community of Valley Farm. Then a shocking discovery shatters the silence. The owners of a big country house have employed a house sitter, a young ecologist, to look after the place while they're away. But his dead body is found by the side of the lane – a lonely place to die.

When DI Vera Stanhope arrives on the scene, she finds the body of a second man. What the two victims seem to have in common is a fascination with studying moths – and with catching these beautiful, intriguing creatures.

The others who live in Valley Farm have secrets, too: Lorraine's calm demeanor belies a more complex personality; Annie and Sam's daughter, Lizzie, is due to be released from prison; and Nigel watches silently, every day, from his window. As Vera is drawn into the claustrophobic world of this increasingly strange community, she realizes that there may be many deadly secrets trapped there.

In this second Inspector Ramsay novel, Ramsay faces a murder investigation on his own doorstep following his impulsive decision to buy a cottage in the Northumberland village of Heppleburn.

An interesting quick novella of about 100 pages.

Jimmy Perez, detective, receives a request from his ex-wife, Sarah. She asks him to leave his base on Shetland Island, and privately investigate a personal case which is making her distraught.

Sarah has married a doctor in a small village on the mainland of Scotland. A young unmarried school teacher has been found dead, and the local police have concluded she committed suicide. Local gossips

are spreading the word that Sarah's husband was having an affair with the teacher and may have murdered her.

Perez doesn't want to be away from his regular job and daughter for more than two days. He walks around the village questioning various people and neatly solves the case within that time.

Harbour Street is the next spellbinding installment in Ann Cleeves' series of crime novels about Vera Stanhope, played in the TV detective drama VERA by Brenda Blethyn.

As the snow falls thickly on Newcastle, the shouts and laughter of Christmas revelers break the muffled silence. Detective Joe Ashworth and his daughter Jessie are swept along in the jostling crowd onto the Metro.

But when the train is stopped due to the bad weather, and the other passengers fade into the swirling snow, Jessie notices that one lady hasn't left the train: Margaret Krukowski has been fatally stabbed.

Arriving at the scene, DI Vera Stanhope is relieved to have an excuse to escape the holiday festivities. As she stands on the silent, snow-covered station platform, Vera feels a familiar buzz of anticipation, sensing that this will be a complex and unusual case.

Then, just days later, a second woman is murdered. Vera knows that to find the key to this new killing she needs to understand what had been troubling Margaret so deeply before she died – before another life is lost. She can feel in her bones that there's a link. Retracing Margaret's final steps, Vera finds herself searching deep into the hidden past of this seemingly innocent neighborhood, led by clues that keep revolving around one street…

Why are the residents of Harbour Street so reluctant to speak?

Told with piercing prose and a forensic eye, Ann Cleeves' gripping new novel explores what happens when a community closes ranks to protect their own-and at what point silent witnesses become complicit.

An ingenious psychological suspense novel. At the isolated Baikie's Cottage on the North Pennines, three very different women come together. Three women who each know the meaning of betrayal… For team leader Rachael the project is the perfect opportunity to rebuild her confidence after a double-betrayal by her lover and boss, Peter Kemp. Botanist Anne, on the other hand, sees it as a chance to indulge in a little deception of her own. And then there is Grace, a strange, uncommunicative young woman with plenty of her own secrets to hide… When Rachael arrives at the cottage, however, she is horrified to discover the body of her friend Bella Furness. Bella, it appears, has committed suicide – a verdict Rachael finds impossible to accept. Only when the next death occurs does a fourth woman enter the picture – the unconventional Detective Inspector Vera Stanhope…

DI Vera Stanhope is not one to make friends easily, but her hippy neighbours keep her well-supplied in homebrew and conversation so she has more tolerance for them than most. When one of them goes missing she feels duty-bound to find out what happened. But her path leads her to more than a missing friend… It's an easy job to track the young woman down to the Writer's House, a country retreat where aspiring authors gather to workshop and work through their novels. It gets complicated when a body is discovered and Vera's neighbour is found with a knife in her hand. Calling in the team, Vera knows that she should hand the case over to someone else. She's too close to the main suspect. But the investigation is too tempting and she's never been one to follow the rules. There seems to be no motive. No meaning to the crime. Then another body is found, and Vera suspects that someone is playing games with her. Somewhere there is a killer who has taken murder off the page and is making it real…

When fifteen-year-old Marilyn Howe turns up alone and frightened on Inspector Ramsay's doorstep he has little choice but to invite her in. Marilyn and her mother, Kathleen, are a familiar sight around Heppleburn, a strangely inseparable couple. But Kathleen has unaccountably failed to return home that evening, and Marilyn is fearful for her mother's safety. Ramsay takes the young girl home, to the isolated coastal community known as the Headland. And in the Howes' dark and cluttered kitchen they find Kathleen safe and apparently well, though acting rather mysteriously. Six months later, Ramsay has more or less forgotten the strange incident, busy as he is on the trail of a local child abductor. Until he receives news that Mrs Howe has disappeared once more. And for the second time he is drawn into the strange relationships of the families living on the lonely Headland. Then a woman's body is washed up on the beach…

An Inspector Ramsay murder mystery. Farmer Ernie Bowles is found lying strangled on his kitchen floor. A second strangulation follows and then a third suspicious death which provides a link and leads Inspector Ramsay to the Alternative Therapy Clinic. Could one of the healers be a killer?

For Lizzie Bartholomew, a holiday in Morocco will change life forever. But not in the way she had hoped… Lizzie had planned her trip to Marrakech as the perfect escape from her life – and her nightmares – in Northumberland. Abandoned as a baby, and having spent her childhood moving between foster homes, Lizzie certainly has much to escape from. And for Lizzie, Morocco is the exotic paradise that she had imagined. Especially when she finds herself on a bus sitting next to a fellow tourist, who is also travelling to fulfil his dreams. After a brief affair, Lizzie returns to England. In the days that follow, she is distracted by thoughts of her mysterious lover, hoping against hope that Philip might come and find her. But suddenly she receives a letter from a firm of solicitors. Philip Samson has died. In his will, he has left Lizzie a gift of [pound]15,000. But there are conditions attached to this unexpected legacy. Conditions that will alter the course of Lizzie's life forever.

A vivid psychological suspense novel. A diving instructor makes a gruesome discovery in Cranwell Lake – the body of a teenager who has clearly been in the water for many years. Detective Peter Porteous is called to the scene. After trailing through the missing persons files, he deduces that the corpse is Michael Grey, an enigmatic and secretive young man who was reported missing by his foster parents in 1972. As the police investigation gets under way in Cranwell, on the other side of the country prison officer Hannah Morton is about to get the shock of her life. For Michael was her boyfriend, and she was with him the night he disappeared. The news report that a body has been found brings back dreaded and long buried memories from her past…

Cold Earth is the seventh book in Ann Cleeves' Shetland series – a major BBC One drama starring Douglas Henshall.

In the dark days of a Shetland winter, torrential rain triggers a landslide that crosses the main Lerwick-Sumburgh road and sweeps down to the sea.

At the burial of his old friend Magnus Tait, Jimmy Perez watches the flood of mud and peaty water smash through a croft house in its path. Everyone thinks the croft is uninhabited, but in the wreckage he finds the body of a dark-haired woman wearing a red silk dress. In his mind, she shares his Mediterranean ancestry and soon he becomes obsessed with tracing her identity.

Then it emerges that she was already dead before the landslide hit the house. Perez knows he must find out who she was, and how she died.

Also available in the Shetland series are Raven Black, White Nights, Red Bones, Blue Lightning, Dead Water and Thin Air.

When DI Vera Stanhope finds the body of a woman in the sauna room of her local gym, she wonders briefly if, for once in her life, she's uncovered a simple death from natural causes. But a closer inspection reveals ligature marks around the victim's throat – death is never that simple…Doing what she does best, Vera pulls her team together and sets them interviewing staff and those connected to the victim, while she and colleague, Sergeant Joe Ashworth, work to find a motive. While Joe struggles to reconcile his home life with the demands made on him by the job; Vera revels being back in charge of an investigation again. Death has never made her feel so alive…And when they discover that the victim had worked in social services, and had been involved in a shocking case involving a young child, then it appears obvious that the two are somehow connected. Though things are never as they seem…

Dead Water is the fifth book in Ann Cleeves' Shetland series – which is now the major BBC1 drama starring Douglas Henshall, SHETLAND. When the body of journalist Jerry Markham is found in a traditional Shetland boat, outside the house of the Fiscal, down at the Marina, young Detective Inspector Willow Reeves is drafted in to head up the investigation. Since the death of his fiancée, Inspector Jimmy Perez has been out of the loop, but his interest in this new case is stirred and he decides to help the inquiry. Markham – originally a Shetlander but who had made a name for himself in London – had left the islands years before. In his wake, he left a scandal involving a young girl, Evie Watt, who is now engaged to a seaman. He had few friends in Shetland, so why was he back? Willow and Jimmy are led to Sullum Voe, the heart of Shetland's North Sea oil and gas industry. It soon emerges from their investigation that Markham was chasing a story in his final days. One that must have been significant enough to warrant his death… Also available in the Shetland series are Raven Black, White Nights, Red Bones and Blue Lightning. Ann Cleeves' Vera Stanhope series (ITV television drama VERA) contains five titles, of which The Glass Room is the most recent.

The residents of an East Yorkshire village are revisited with eth nightmare of a murder that happened 10 years before. there was some doubt about the guilty verdict passed on Jeanie Long and now it would seem that the killer is still at large. Inspector Vera Stanhope builds up a picture of a community afraid of itself and of outsiders.

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