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Against a backdrop of the clash of the Roman and Carthaginian empires, the battle for sovereignty takes place on the high seas

Atticus, captain of one of the ships of Rome's small, coastal fleet, is from a Greek fishing family. Septimus, legionary commander, reluctantly ordered aboard ship, is from Rome, born into a traditionally army family. It could never be an easy alliance. But the arrival of a hostile fleet, larger, far more skilful and more powerful than any Atticus has encountered before, forces them to act together. So Atticus, one of Rome's few experienced sailors, finds himself propelled into the middle of a political struggle that is completely foreign to him. Rome need to build a navy fast but the obstacles are many; political animosities, legions adamant that they will only use their traditional methods; Roman prejudice even from friends, that all those not born in Rome are inferior citizens.The enemy are first class, experienced and determined to control...

Жанр: Старинное

1587. Two nations are locked in bitter conflict. One strives for dominance, the other for survival.

 After decades of religious strife, Elizabeth sits on the throne of England. The reformation continues. Catholic revolts have been ruthlessly quashed, and Elizabeth has ordered the execution of her cousin, Mary Queen of Scots. On the continent bloody religious wars rage, but England stands apart, her surrounding seas keeping her safe from the land armies of her would-be enemies. Only at sea do the English show their teeth. Sea captains and adventurers, hungry for the spoils of trade from the Spanish Main, regularly attack the gold-laden galleons of Catholic Spain. They are terriers nipping at the feet of war-horses but their victories disrupt the treasury of Spain, England's greatest threat, and Elizabeth's refusal to rein in her sea-captains further antagonises Philip II.

 Thomas Varian is a captain in Drake's formidable navy, rising quickly through the ranks. But he guards a secret - one for which he would pay with his life if discovered: he is a Catholic. He is about to find his conflicting loyalty to his religion, to his Queen, and to his country tested under the most formidable of circumstances: facing the mighty Armada. Unknown to Varian, he will also be facing his long-estranged father, who is fighting on the side of the Spanish enemy...

III в. до н. э. Два могучих государства — республиканский Рим и Карфаген — вступили в смертельную схватку. Но победы на суше не являются решающими. Лишь тот, кто властвует на Средиземном море, победит в этой войне.

Флот карфагенян силен, их флотоводцы опытны. Рим же обладает лишь небольшими кораблями, способными плавать в прибрежных водах. Республике нужно срочно построить военные суда и обучить моряков.

За плечами римлянина центуриона Септимия двенадцать лет воинской службы, он закален дисциплиной и битвами. Капитан Аттик — грек, для римлян человек второго сорта, опыт морехода получил в сражениях с пиратами, наводившими ужас на прибрежные города Республики. Всю свою сознательную жизнь капитан Аттик провел в противоборстве с морем и каждый раз одерживал победу. В морской битве у острова Сицилия Аттику и Септимию удалось взять верх над карфагенянами. И вот теперь по приказу Рима им предстоит подготовить новые боевые корабли и их экипажи к сражениям и доказать, кто же по праву достоин носить титул хозяина морей.

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