
Фульц Джон Р. скачать все книги 7 книг

Всемогущество… Мы лишь мечтаем о нем, но есть и те, кто обладает им. Это ведьмы, кудесники, некроманты, чернокнижники, заклинатели. Их глаза видят сквозь туман земного бытия, их ладони лежат на рычагах управления вселенной. Маг разглядит будущее в хрустальном шаре, приручит фантастического зверя и превратит свинец в золото… или вас — в лягушку, если вздумаете его рассердить.

Вступите же в мир, где нет ничего невозможного, где воображаемое с легкостью становится реальным. Пройдите дорогами чародеев — и вы поймете, что значит быть по-настоящему всемогущим!

Никогда еще магия не была такой волнующей и увлекательной. Прославленный составитель антологий Джон Джозеф Адамс собрал для вас тридцать два завораживающих чуда от самых талантливых волшебников фантастики и фэнтези.

Power. We all want it, they've got it — witches, warlocks, sorcerers, necromancers, those who peer beneath the veil of mundane reality and put their hands on the levers that move the universe. They see the future in a sheet of glass, summon fantastic beasts, and transform lead into gold… or you into a frog. From Gandalf to Harry Potter to the Last Airbender, wizardry has never been more exciting and popular. Enter a world where anything is possible, where imagination becomes reality. Experience the thrill of power, the way of the wizard. Now acclaimed editor John Joseph Adams (The Living Dead) brings you thirty-two of the most spellbinding tales ever written, by some of today's most magical talents, including Neil Gaiman, Simon R. Green, and George R. R. Martin.

What if you could not only travel any location in the world, but to any world?

We can all imagine such “other worlds”—be they worlds just slightly different than our own or worlds full of magic and wonder—but it is only in fiction that we can travel to them. From to , from Philip Pullman’s to C. S. Lewis’s , there is a rich tradition of this kind of fiction, but never before have the best parallel world stories and portal fantasies been collected in a single volume—until now.


“Anthologist Adams presents readers with a wide variety of alternate Earths, some only slightly askew and others completely unfamiliar. […] Adams’s selections are mirrors reflecting one other with the best images of alternate realities. Readers will greatly enjoy this exploration of our world's foremost and ascendant speculative authors.”

— (Starred Review)

“Reminds longtime readers of fantasy and sci-fi what we love about the genre, while also and aptly demonstrating to newcomers that these stories are about so much more than dragons and multitentacled monsters. It comes highly recommended to both and all.”

All original stories about the return of Cthulhu and the Old Ones to Earth.

Some of the darkest hints in all of H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos relate to what will happen after the Old Ones return and take over the earth. What happens when Cthulhu is unleashed upon the world? What happens when the other Old Ones, long since banished from our universe, break through and descend from the stars? What would the reign of Cthulhu be like on a totally transformed planet where mankind is no longer the master? Find out in these exciting, brand-new stories.

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