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Том Гринбаум и Дэвид Гудман, гениальные квантовые физики, добились, казалось бы, невозможного — создали устройство, позволяющее перемещаться во времени. Теперь самое время опробовать их изобретение. У Тома есть давняя мечта. Когда-то, двадцать лет назад, в Замбии на его глазах туземцы убили его красавицу жену — только за то, что та не отказалась от христианской веры. Теперь Том собирается перенестись в древнюю Галилею, чтобы встретить там… Иисуса. Он хочет сказать Христу, что тот никакой не бог, а попросту мошенник; ведь он не спас Меган, которая верила в него. Вместе с Томом в прошлое отправляется и Дэвид. Они еще не знают, что волею судеб Иисус включит Тома в число своих двенадцати учеников и наречет его Фомой Близнецом…

Многие века они совершенствуют мастерство охоты, превратив выслеживание и умерщвление добычи в высшую форму искусства. Они называют себя яуджа, но Галактика знает их под другим именем – ХИЩНИКИ. Долгое время они не имели себе равных… пока не столкнулись с людьми. Ведь упрямым землянам все равно, насколько превосходит их противник. Важно лишь одно: если его можно ранить, то его можно и убить!

Crazy has no memory and feels no fear. Dangerous and unpredictable, he’s locked away in SafeHaven, a psychiatric hospital, where he spends the long days watching Wheel of Fortune and wondering what the outside world smells like. When a mysterious visitor arrives and offers him a way out, Crazy doesn’t hesitate to accept.

But outside the hospital, Crazy is faced with a fear-fueled world on the brink of nuclear annihilation, and he finds himself relocated to Neuro Inc., a secretive corporation with shady government ties. After discovering evidence of human experimentation, he escapes with a syringe, the contents of which are unknown to him but precious to Neuro. Cornered and with a complete disregard for the results, Crazy makes himself indispensable by injecting the substance into his leg.

The mystery drug opens his eyes to a world beyond human experience, where fear is a weapon and the shadows hide the source of mankind’s nightmares. Struggling to understand his new abilities, Crazy allies himself with the company he fled and begins peeling back the layers of his past, the brewing war between worlds, how he can stop it—and what he did to start it.

With , Robinson, whose trademarked pacing and inventive plots, which have been highly praised by bestselling authors like Jonathan Maberry, Scott Sigler and James Rollins, treats readers to a wildly imaginative, frenetically paced thriller exploring the origins of fear.

Жанр: Проза

Far in the future, the Earth is surrounded by a half-mile thick layer of space junk, some of it trash, some of it giant advertising billboards, some of it space-winni vacationers. But Priest, a sexist narcotics detective for The Authority is more interested in the terrorist group whose strange new weapon took a pot shot at his city and atomized everything inside its target area—including his arm.

Priest finds himself partnered with the tough and sexy Rehna, a fellow Authority officer, and Gawyn, a brilliant little girl whose gruff attitude matches Priest’s. The three of them track down the terrorists, and their weapon, while Priest looks to deliver his unique brand of justice and get compensation for not one, but two ruined Tac-suits.

FROM ABOVE is a 7500 word novella also published in Jeremy Robinson’s story collection, INSOMNIA. This solo release also contains samples of Robinson’s books, CALLSIGN: KING and THE LAST HUNTER - DESCENT.

Lincoln Miller, an ex–Navy SEAL turned NCIS Special Agent, is sent to Aquarius, the world’s only sub-oceanic research facility, located off the Florida Keys, to investigate reports of ocean dumping. A week into his stay, strange red flakes descend from the surface. Scores of fish are dead and dying, poisoned by the debris that turns to powder in Miller’s fingers and tastes like blood.

Miller heads for the surface, ready to fight whoever is polluting on his watch. But he finds nothing—no ships, polluters, . Cut off from the rest of the living world, Miller makes his way to Miami where he discovers a lone survivor and the awful truth: the strange phenomenon that robbed the air of its life-giving force was an attack by an enemy reborn from the ashes of World War II. And they’re just getting started. Miami, Tel Aviv, and Tokyo have all been destroyed. And if Miller can’t put a stop to those responsible in seven days, the rest of the world will be next…

To view the book trailer for SecondWorld, click .

The high adventure of James Rollins meets the gripping suspense of Matthew Reilly in Jeremy Robinson’s explosive new thriller

Mark Hawkins, former park ranger and expert tracker, is out of his element, working on board the a research vessel studying the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. But his work is interrupted when, surrounded by thirty miles of refuse, the ship and its high tech systems are plagued by a series of strange malfunctions and the crew is battered by a raging storm.

When the storm fades and the sun rises, the beaten crew awakens to find themselves anchored in the protective cove of a tropical island… and no one knows how they got there. Even worse, the ship has been sabotaged, two crewman are dead and a third is missing. Hawkins spots signs of the missing man on shore and leads a small team to bring him back. But they quickly discover evidence of a brutal history left behind by the Island’s former occupants: Unit 731, Japan’s ruthless World War II human experimentation program. Mass graves and military fortifications dot the island, along with a decades old laboratory housing the remains of hideous experiments.

As crew members start to disappear, Hawkins realizes that they are not alone. In fact, they were to this strange and horrible island. The crew is taken one-by-one and while Hawkins fights to save his friends, he learns the horrible truth: Island 731 was never decommissioned and the person taking his crewmates may not be a person at all—not anymore.

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