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The best-selling author Carl Hiaasen takes the reins for the eleventh edition of this series, featuring twenty of the past year’s most distinguished tales of mystery, crime, and suspense.

Laura Lippman introduces us to a suburban soccer mom who moonlights as a call girl and who has a fateful encounter with a former client at her son’s soccer game. Ridley Pearson traces a famous author of horror tales who becomes trapped in a real one after his wife vanishes while jogging. Joyce Carol Oates travels to a New Jersey racetrack where the animals that break down are of the two-legged type. Lawrence Block tells the story of Keller, a hitman for hire who happens to live in Greenwich Village, loves spicy food, and collects stamps as a hobby. And Scott Wolven plunges us into the world of an ex-con who takes a job at a private and very illegal Nevada racetrack where each day millions are won and lost. Mostly lost.

As Carl Hiaasen notes in his introduction, “The stories in this collection would do honor to any anthology of short literature. More than transcending the genre of crime, they blow away its nebulous boundaries.” The Best American Mystery Stories 2007 is a powerful collection certain to delight mystery aficionados and all lovers of great fiction.

A cut-and-dried case for a wily crime-scene reconstructionist is turned on its head in Michael Connelly’s “Mulholland Dive.” A terrible secret shared between two childhood friends resurfaces decades later as one of them lies on her deathbed in Alice Munro’s masterful “Child’s Play.” James Lee Burke tells the haunting tale of a Hurricane Katrina evacuee who unexpectedly finds comfort from an unimaginable loss in “Mist.” And in Holly Goddard Jones’s “Proof of God,” a young man’s car is repeatedly vandalized as proof that someone knows about the truths he’d never willingly reveal. As Pelecanos notes in his introduction, the twenty “original and unique voices” in this collection pay homage to the genre’s forebears by taking crime fiction into a thrilling new direction. “But make no mistake,” he says, “we are all standing on the shoulders of writers who came before us and left an indelible mark on literature through craftsmanship, care, and the desire to leave something of worth behind.”

Dave Robicheaux is a haunted man.

Between his recurrent nightmares about Vietnam, his battle with alcoholism, and the sudden loss of his beloved wife, Molly, his thoughts drift from one irreconcilable memory to the next. Images of ghosts at Spanish Lake live on the edge of his vision.

During a murder investigation, Dave Robicheaux discovers he may have committed the homicide he’s investigating, one which involved the death of the man who took the life of Dave’s beloved wife. As he works to clear his name and make sense of the murder, Robicheaux encounters a cast of characters and a resurgence of dark social forces that threaten to destroy all of those whom he loves. What emerges is not only a propulsive and thrilling novel, but a harrowing study of America: this nation’s abiding conflict between a sense of past grandeur and a legacy of shame, its easy seduction by demagogues and wealth, and its predilection for violence and revenge. James Lee Burke has returned with one of America’s favorite characters, in his most searing, most prescient novel to date.

This sequel to the original best-selling takes a literary tour through some of the darkest writing in New Orleans history.

Днешните водещи автори са единодушни, че „Тръстиковият път“ е най-добрият роман на Джеймс Лий Бърк. Бърк комбинира блестящ литературен стил с майсторски фокусиран и увлекателен сюжет.

Докато помага в поредното разследване, Дейв Робишо — едно странно ченге — с изумление чува как един сводник го пита не е ли син на проститутка, убита от полицай преди трийсет години.

Убийците и до днес работят в полицията.

Издирването на престъпниците води Дейв през мрачните улици и потната атмосфера на Луизиана. Страст, изкупление и грях — всичко е тук, звънтящо от свирепата сладост на истината…

Дэйв Робишо, детектив полиции Нового Орлеана, был ранен в недавней перестрелке. В больнице его навещает местная певица, юная креолка, которая рассказывает Дэйву, что ей угрожают некие опасные люди. А может быть, этот визит просто привиделся детективу под действием болеутоляющих лекарств? Ведь всем в городе известно, что девушка давно пропала… А вскоре на берегу находят труп ее сестры, вмороженный в глыбу льда. Вместе с частным детективом Клетом Перселом — пьяницей, буяном и его лучшим другом — Дэйв ищет правду среди болот, каналов, городков и частных поместий Луизианы, где водятся хищники куда опаснее крокодилов…

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