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The Horror Writers Association Presents


...a collection of entertaining tales that puts the fun back into dark fiction, with ironic twists and tongue-in-cheek wit to temper the jagged edge.

Charlaine Harris reveals the dark side of going green, when a quartet of die-hard environmentalists hosts a fundraiser with a gory twist in "An Evening with Al Gore"...In an all-new Dresden Files story from Jim Butcher, when it comes to tracking deadly paranormal doings, there's no such thing as a "Day Off" for the Chicago P.D.'s wizard detective, Harry Dresden...Sherrilyn Kenyon turns a cubicle-dwelling MBA with no life into a demon-fighting seraph with one hell of an afterlife in "Where Angels Fear to Tread"...Celebrity necromancer Jaime Vegas is headlining a sold-out séance tour, but behind the scenes, a disgruntled ghost has a bone to pick, in Kelley Armstrong's "The Ungrateful Dead." Plus tales guaranteed to get under your skin — in a good way — from Janet Berliner Don D'Ammassa Nancy Holder Nancy Kilpatrick J. A. Konrath and F. Paul Wilson Joe R. Lansdale Will LudwigsenSharyn McCrumb Mark Onspaugh Mike Resnick Steven SavileD. L. Snell Eric James Stone Jeff Strand Lucien Soulban Matt Venne Christopher Welch

So let the blood flow and laughter reign — because when it comes to facing our deepest, darkest fears, a little humor goes a long way!

Новая антология серии «Лучшее» продолжает развивать неувядающую вампирскую тему. На этот раз вашему вниманию предлагаются тридцать пять историй о вампирах, принадлежащих как классикам жанра — Энн Райс, Лорел Гамильтон, Танит Ли, Элен Кашнер, так и еще неизвестным российскому читателю авторам. И хотя литературная история вампиров насчитывает уже не первое столетие, новый сборник «Вампиры. Опасные связи» лишний раз доказывает, что эта тема не только не выдохлась, но способна преподносить сюрпризы и рождать истинные жемчужины жанра хоррор.

In this chilling portrait of America’s , lady luck is just as likely to dispense cold hard cash as a cold-hearted killing.

Akashic Books continues its groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with . Each story is set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the city of the book.

Brand-new stories by: John O’Brien, David Corbett, Scott Phillips, Nora Pierce, Tod Goldberg, Bliss Esposito, Felicia Campbell, Jaq Greenspon, José Skinner, Pablo Medina, Christine McKellar, Lori Kozlowski, Vu Tran, Celeste Starr, Preston L. Allen, and Janet Berliner.

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