
Хемон Александр скачать все книги 8 книг

Жанр: Проза

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Проект «Лазарь» — роман американца боснийского происхождения Александра Хемона (1964). Герой романа, alter ego автора, задумывает написать книгу о трагически погибшем в самом начале ХХ века Лазаре Авербахе, эмигрировавшем в Америку после кишиневского погрома. Чтобы вжиться в эту участь, наш современник, начинающий американский писатель, отправляется в захолустье бывшей Австро-Венгерской империи. Симметрии разнесенных на столетие судеб автора и Лазаря Авербаха — оба чудом уцелевшие беженцы, оба обживаются в Чикаго — позволяют читателю «побывать» в Америке век назад и теперь, на Боснийской войне 1992 года, на постсоветских окраинах…

Жанр: Проза

An anthology of stories edited by Zadie Smith

A stellar host of writers explore the cornerstone of fiction writing: character

The Book of Other People is about character. Twenty-five or so outstanding writers have been asked by Zadie Smith to make up a fictional character. By any measure, creating character is at the heart of the fictional enterprise, and this book concentrates on writers who share a talent for making something recognizably human out of words (and, in the case of the graphic novelists, pictures). But the purpose of the book is variety: straight "realism"-if such a thing exists-is not the point. There are as many ways to create character as there are writers, and this anthology features a rich assortment of exceptional examples.

The writers featured in The Book of Other People include:

Aleksandar Hemon

Nick Hornby

Hari Kunzru

Toby Litt

David Mitchell

George Saunders

Colm Tóibín

Chris Ware, and more.

Жанр: Проза

The seriously, seriously funny roller-coaster ride of sex and violence that Aleksandar Hemon has long promised

Script idea #142: Aliens undercover as cabbies abduct the fiancée of the main character, who has to find a way to a remote planet to save her. Title: Love Trek.

Script idea #185: Teenager discovers his girlfriend's beloved grandfather was a guard in a Nazi death camp. The boy's grandparents are survivors, but he's tantalizingly close to achieving deflowerment, so when a Nazi hunter arrives in town in pursuit of Grandpa, he has to distract him long enough to get laid. A riotous Holocaust comedy. Title: The Righteous Love.

Script idea #196: Rock star high out of his mind freaks out during a show, runs offstage, and is lost in streets crowded with his hallucinations. The teenage fan who finds him keeps the rock star for himself for the night. Mishaps and adventures follow. This one could be a musical: Singin' in the Brain.

Josh Levin is an aspiring screenwriter teaching ESL classes in Chicago. His laptop is full of ideas, but the only one to really take root is Zombie Wars. When Josh comes home to discover his landlord, an unhinged army vet, rifling through his dirty laundry, he decides to move in with his girlfriend, Kimmy. It's domestic bliss for a moment, but Josh becomes entangled with a student, a Bosnian woman named Ana, whose husband is jealous and violent. Disaster ensues, and as Josh's choices move from silly to profoundly absurd, The Making of Zombie Wars takes on real consequence.

Жанр: Проза

«McSweeney’s» — ежеквартальный американский литературный альманах, основанный в 1998 г. для публикации альтернативной малой прозы. Поначалу в «McSweeney’s» выходили неформатные рассказы, отвергнутые другими изданиями со слишком хорошим вкусом. Однако вскоре из маргинального и малотиражного альманах превратился в престижный и модный, а рассказы, публиковавшиеся в нём, завоевали не одну премию в области литературы. И теперь ведущие писатели США соревнуются друг с другом за честь увидеть свои произведения под его обложкой.

В итоговом сборнике «Лучшее от McSweeney's» вы найдете самые яркие, вычурные и удивительные новеллы из первых десяти выпусков альманаха. В книгу вошло 27 рассказов, которые сочинили 27 писателей и перевели 9 переводчиков. Нам и самим любопытно посмотреть, что у них получилось.

Aleksandar Hemon’s lives begin in Sarajevo, a small, blissful city where a young boy’s life is consumed with street soccer with the neighborhood kids, resentment of his younger sister, and trips abroad with his engineer-cum-beekeeper father. Here, a young man’s life is about poking at the pretensions of the city’s elders with American music, bad poetry, and slightly better journalism. And then, his life in Chicago: watching from afar as war breaks out in Sarajevo and the city comes under siege, no way to return home; his parents and sister fleeing Sarajevo with the family dog, leaving behind all else they had ever known; and Hemon himself starting a new life, his own family, in this new city.

And yet this is not really a memoir. , Hemon’s first book of nonfiction, defies convention and expectation. It is a love song to two different cities; it is a heartbreaking paean to the bonds of family; it is a stirring exhortation to go out and play soccer — and not for the exercise. It is a book driven by passions but built on fierce intelligence, devastating experience, and sharp insight. And like the best narratives, it is a book that will leave you a different reader — a different person, with a new way of looking at the world — when you’ve finished. For fans of Hemon’s fiction, is simply indispensable; for the uninitiated, it is the perfect introduction to one of the great writers of our time.

Жанр: Проза

In this stylistically adventurous, brilliantly funny tour de force-the most highly acclaimed debut since Nathan Englander's-Aleksander Hemon writes of love and war, Sarajevo and America, with a skill and imagination that are breathtaking.

A love affair is experienced in the blink of an eye as the Archduke Ferdinand watches his wife succumb to an assassin's bullet. An exiled writer, working in a sandwich shop in Chicago, adjusts to the absurdities of his life. Love letters from war torn Sarajevo navigate the art of getting from point A to point B without being shot. With a surefooted sense of detail and life-saving humor, Aleksandar Hemon examines the overwhelming events of history and the effect they have on individual lives. These heartrending stories bear the unmistakable mark of an important new international writer.

Жанр: Проза

‘Aleksandar Hemon has established himself as that rare thing, an essential writer. Another small act of defiance against this narrowing world’ Observer ‘His language sings. . I should not be surprised if Hemon wins the Nobel Prize at some point’ Giles Foden In Aleksandar Hemon’s electrifying first book, The Question of Bruno, Jozef Pronek left Sarajevo to visit Chicago in 1992, just in time to watch war break out at home on TV. Unable to return, he began to make his way in a foreign land and his adventures were unforgettable. Now Pronek, the accidental nomad, gets his own book, and startles us into yet more exhilarating ways of seeing the world anew. ‘If the plot is mercury, quick and elusive, sentence by sentence and word for word, Aleksandar Hemon’s writing is gold’ Times Literary Supplement ‘Downbeat but also hilarious, while the writing itself is astonishing’ Time Out ‘Hemon can’t write a boring sentence, and the English language is the richer for it’ New York Times ‘Sheer exuberance, generosity and engagement with life’ Sunday Times

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